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Gang Tae is looking at her with an amused faced. He's been watching her putting some random foods and products on their shopping cart.

"Cute." he thought but somehow he thinks if this is her first time in a grocery store. When he sees that the cart half full, he decided to stop her. "Yah! Ko Mun Yeong, what's all these?"

"Why? You said we need to have stock for a week." she answered innocently

He sigh and looks at the cart, he saw different kinds of milk, chips, breads, yogurt and some random stuff that they don't need. "Yes but look all of that. It's not for a week, it's for a month and we're just two at home. We can't finish all that yogurt before they expire."

Mun Yeong frowned and pout. "Fine. I'll put the others back."

"Good girl." he said and stroke her hair. "Aish don't touch me." she said while removing his hand and getting some items on the cart.

When they got all the things they need. Mun Yeong links her arms through his making him feel awkward. Even though they are in relationship for some time now he's still not used to her clinginess. But he's not complaining tho. He can't even imagine her being clingy to a different guy.

They walked to the aisle for ice creams. "Wait!" Mun Yeong stops when she found her favorite childhood ice cream. "Wah! I didn't know they sell this up to now. Do you know this?" she pointed the ice cream to him. He nodded "Yes, it's very famous back then."

"Can I get one?" she asked him with a puppy eye look. He noticed that she has an unhealthy eating habits. He saw how sometimes she eats three junkfoods in one stitting before dinner resulting for her to be full in supper.

But seeing how excited she is "Of course." he agreed. She smiles at him and opened the freezer. She's about to get the strawberry flavor but a small hands quickly get it. "Yah!" she shouted and saw a small little boy holding the ice cream tightly.

She gazed at the kid "I touched it first, kid." she said.

"But I get it first." the kid answered "You can have the others." he added and pointing at the ice cream.

"Yah! Just get another one." Gang Tae whispered

She frowned as she looked at him and look at the freezer. She sigh when the flavors left is chocolate and vanilla. "But I want the strawberry!" she said to him.

"Ko Mun Yeong." he said "It's just ice cream. Let the kid buy it. I promise I'll find you strawberry flavor in other store."

The kids smile at her. "I'm sorry, unnie. I want to give it to you but my mom said she wants the strawberry. My little sister might get mad at me when I don't get what she wants." the kid explain then a pregnat woman walked towards them.

"Is everything okay here?" she asked and got surprise to see Mun Yeong. "Oh my God. You're Author Ko right? Yah, Hyunsoo she's the one behind your favorite bed time stories." the woman said to her son.

The kid got shocked and smile. "I really like your stories." the kid said

"Hmm." Mun Yeong replied, eyes still on the ice cream.

"Omma, she said she wants this flavor but it's the only one. My sister might get mad if you can't have this." the kid said while stroking his mom's baby bump.

"It's okay. Author Ko, you can have---" the women did not finish

"No, it's fine. You can have that. My boyfriend said he's going to find---"

"Omo!" The woman got shocked, hands on her mouth. Mun Yeong and Gang Tae looked at each other.

"You're pregnant too, author ko??" the woman blurted "Omo, congratulations! I'm sure your kid will be pretty just like the two of you."

"You see, she's not---" Gang Tae was about to say something but the woman's phone rings. "Thank you so much! Goodluck on your parenting journey." the woman stated and hold the kid's hand. "Bye, my favourite author!" the kid waves while waling away.

Mun Yeong has been processing what just happened. They are now inside the car. "Do I look like pregnant?" she asked him.


"Then why-- oh because I want a specific flavor." she said "Aish! She might spread false tumor about me. But I thinks it's not a bad idea." she said and smirked at him.

Gang Tae avoid her gaze. Cheeks starting to blush. "Yah! Moon Gang Tae! Look at me. Why? you' don't like the idea of it? I think I want a boy just like that kid a while ago."

"Can you stop?" he said

"What? Why? You don't want to cooperate?"

"Mun Yeong stop it."

"Tss. Fine. I'm just kidding. I'm not yet ready. For now, I just want to enjoy life and have different experiences with you." she said

Now he's the one who's looking at her. "Why?" she asked "Nothing." he said. He might be shy but he really like the idea of them having a baby. He just shake his head and drive.

"I think I know what's inside your mind." she said

"Seriously, I'm not yet ready now. I'm just teasing you but that doesn't mean I don't like it. I feel like we still need do things we haven't done when we were kids. So we don't have regrets. Also, I did not receive any love from my parents especially to my mother so how will I express love to my own child when I myself did not get any love from my own mom. I don't want to be like her. So, I still need to learn how to love and to feel that I am loved so I know how to give warmth and love as well to my child in the future." she explains while tapping his thigh.

"I love you." He said genuinely as he stops the car. "Many people love you."

"I know. Thank you for loving and showing me what is love. And I love you too." she said and kiss his cheeks."You better find a strawberry flavor."

"Yes ma'am!"

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