part 6 | rooftop

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we are now around the campfire we made because we were cold as fuck.

namra is always hiding stuff from us and this time it was a lighter.

even though me and namra were friends she just doesnt play a big role in my life.

we are around the campfire singing.

dae-su sings one of his songs which we all sing along to and enjoy a moment.

suhyeok grabs my hand and brings me to a place on the rooftop, away from anybody else.

"eunha.." he looks into my eyes as if hes trying to figure out what i am going to say next.

he grabs my hand and i feel a spark. like a connection of some sort. it made me feel special.

"will you be my girlfriend?" he says as he intertwines his finger with mine.

"yes, i will." i say as we both lean in and share a kiss.

we both walk back to the campfire hand in hand.

joining the others as we lay in each other's arms.

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