part 10 | the gym

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we make a plan while huddling in a cozy storage space.

we got our hands on a expired chocolate bar.

i feel bad for joon-yeong as he didn't get any but we had no time to worry.

we all push out the door and form the barricade around us, we keep pushing and pushing.

i saw in the corner of my eye as joon-yeong jumped over.

i closed my eyes as i heard him scream, "go home!" , "make sure you go home!".

followed by his agonizing screams.

i shed a tear as i follow his words and continue to push harder.

and soon enough we made it, without joon-yeong.

i rest in my boyfriend's arms as we both cry in sorrow.

"i want this to be over, so i could be happy with you." i cry out.

"i know eunha, me too. but we are all we have and we must keep fighting, fighting for others and our love." suhyeok says.

i nod and cry into his chest, as we're ready to take on another adventure.

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