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Ugh that bitch had the nerve to say that to me.

"-ing to the park!" Amber said walking down the stairs. Dad said something but I didn't pay attention.


I jumped up. "What the hell was that?" I ran to the door opening it. Tears rolled down my face as I saw Amber lying in the road barley breathing.

"AMBER! AMBER?" I yelled running to her. 

I picked her up she's still breathing but barley. The guy who got her was calling an ambulance. I fainted when she stopped breathing.



"Shut up!" I yelled at the stupid fucking beeping noise.



"amber your up!"

"What the hell happened?!" I asked unsure of why all these wires were attached to me.

"Ummm you kinda sora mabey got hit by a car." Dad said


"well you were crossing the road and he came out of nowhere and accidentally hit you."

"Jesus Christ!"


"Where's the guys and Dakota?

" getting food but Dakota has staples in her head cause when she found you you stopped breathing and she fainted and cracked her head open."


Just then they all walked into the room.

"Amber, your awake!" Dakota said as she walked in.

"yeah I am."

"how are you feeling?"

"fine I guess. But when can we leave?"

"Tomorrow morning i think." dad said "I'll go get the doctor."


a couple minutes later the doctor walked in.

"Hello miss Amber, how are you feeling?"


" that's good. You should be able to leave at 10 tomorrow morning."

''Thank god!"

''Yep all of your tests came back positive you only have a few scratches and bruises."



yay she's okay!

adopted by Ronnie RadkeWhere stories live. Discover now