Chapter 13 - Devil's Union

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One Year Later...

As I exited the car, I saw where me and Yoshiko are getting married in front of me. To think that today is actually the day that I'm gonna marry her. We only entered college this year so we at the very least waited until a time where we were used to the changes to our daily lives that came with starting college and living together before we had our wedding. It feels great to be with her every day, and the fact that I'll be with her far into the future makes this all the more wonderful.

I walked down the aisle, past the seats for guests as I headed to the altar, where I'll wait for things to begin. I took a deep breath and stood there as I waited for our guests to arrive, and the ceremony to begin. We ended up inviting plenty of our friends, Yoshiko having invited not just the other girls in Aquors but also other girls she befriended during her time as an idol.

A short while after the guests had all found their seats, the wedding began and the main entrance to the room opened as Yoshiko stepped out alongside her father, holding a bouquet in her free hand. Seeing Yoshiko in her wedding dress made my heart fill with so much joy and excitement for what's to come for the two of us. She's absolutely beautiful.

Once she reached the altar, she stood across from me, a gorgeous smile on her face with a slight blush. I looked deep into her eyes as she looked into mine, and held onto these precious feelings I have for her in this moment. After a moment of just us looking at each other, the officiant then began to speak "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to join Y/n L/n and Yoshiko Tsushima in holy matrimony. We will now begin. Yoshiko Tsushima, do you take this man as your husband, to love and honor as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Yoshiko answered, her blush and smile both growing a small bit more as she answered

The officiant then turned to me and said "Y/n L/n, do you take this woman as your wife, to love and honor as long as you both live?"

I've loved this girl my entire life, and I haven't had any doubt about wanting to be with her for years and so I quickly answered "I do."

"Then now, by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

We both took a step forward and as I took hold of her hands, I leaned forward as we shared a kiss to start the next stage of our lives together. Once our lips separated after those few blissful moments, Yoshiko tossed the bouquet she held out into the crowd, only to be caught by a girl with auburn hair and blue eyes. After that, holding each other's hand, we walked down the aisle together, with the two of us now officially married.


At our reception, as we celebrated with everyone, I took hold of Yoshiko's hand for a moment and said "Yoshiko, I love you so much and promise that now and into the future, I'm going to do whatever I can to give you the amazing life you deserve."

Yoshiko squeezed my hand in response and said "I know you will Y/n, and you already have. When I'm with you, I feel so happy and that I'll be able to go through whatever. I cursed with terrible luck, but you've always stood by my side beside that. My luck was all spent so that I could meet you, and I hope that I'll be able to make you feel as happy as you make me feel every day."

I smiled at her, and wrapped my arm around her. From the first thing I can remember, I've been beside this beautiful fallen angel, supporting her and loving her. As we've grown up and matured, we weren't always physically together, but our feelings towards each other grew stronger. I've been with this girl for as long as I can remember, and I hope to stay with her for my entire life.


A/n: And so, In This Unstable World comes to an end. Thank you for sticking around and I hope you enjoyed this book. Yoshiko is a pretty interesting character to me, and while she had definitely grown on me by the time I started this book, like every character I write about, I started to like her all the more in the process of writing this. This story actually was something I created after coming up with the summary while I was writing Elegant Like The Wind, and I love what I did with this story.

One last time, thank you for reading this, and I hope you'll stick around for when I release my next fic.

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