Mister Dark

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Cindy looked at the ceiling there was nothing to do but that there was the concealed white door she couldn't find the soundproof walls the bright lights were never dark but overstimulating they usually kept her awake at night which she couldn't tell night from day.

Mister Dark would come night or day to see her these visits consisted of examinations, questions, observations sometimes he'd check her body and listen to her breathing check her reflexes, and give her problems to solve.

But sometimes he was mean very mean after this whenever he was mean he wouldn't look at her and if he managed to accidentally there was nothing behind his eyes they were dark and empty nothing reflected back to her nothing she could consider normal nothing that was human but she knew he was he breathed and talked like her but his actions at the time seemed inhuman.

But sometimes he was mean very mean after this whenever he was mean he wouldn't look at her and if he managed to accidentally there was nothing behind his eyes they were dark and empty nothing reflected back to her nothing she could consider norma...

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But today he came to see her and she looked up when the door opened and there he was a white coat, suit and all she could hear was his shoes on the hard floor as he sat in front of the bed.

She sat up and waited for him to do whatever he was going to do

"Cindy. " Mister Dark said and she looked at him and quietly said "Hi." almost completely into her chest he pushed his glasses against his face as they were slipping for the moment they seemed connected but she felt something within his look his eyes sadness.

"I brought this for you." Mister Dark said revealing a brown stuffed bunny it was wearing a dress.

Mister Dark handed it to her and she smiled hugging it against her for a moment he looked as if he was smiling or as close as he could get to it maybe he wasn't capable of emotion.

"I'm glad you like it." Mister Dark said as he opened a file he had with him she noticed that the first visible page had a photo of her and some words written underneath the rest she couldn't tell.

"Are you feeling alright today?" He asked her another question maybe today would be easy.

"Y...Yes," Cindy said having a small bit of difficulty getting the words out.

He took out a flashlight and shined it in her eyes and had her stand up so he could psychically examine her they had known each other for a long time she didn't know when she first encountered him this room felt all too familiar at this point.

"Are you hungry?" Mister Dark asked and she nodded cherishing the stuffed bunny it felt like a friend she had a friend here Mister Dark wasn't her friend but he was the only person who ever visited her paid her any mind brought her anything kept track of her let her out when she needed to go to the bathroom the whole facility was entirely white cameras everywhere and he was the only who didn't look at her like she was disgusting everyone else she happened across did she didn't know why.

She found herself with food being presented to her the quality always varied but she was hungry so the turkey sandwich and apple juice would do just fine she was quickly full and ready for whatever he had planned for their session.

She laid down as he placed wired sensors on her head they were sticky and connected to a device he had.

"Setting One." He said turning it on and she twitched a bit but tolerated the pain.

"Subject shows no adverse reaction to setting one." Mister Dark said writing something down.   He turned the setting up and she jerked around and squirmed and kept herself quiet.

"Subject showed body tension and discomfort." Mister Dark said his hands flipping through papers and checking a couple of boxes on a separate sheet. 

"Setting Three." He said as he turned it again and she didn't move instead she made a silent scream and tears went down her face she couldn't be vocal it was like someone was taping her mouth shut.

"Subject showed adverse reaction to setting three." Mister Dark said as he wrote something down and then turned it again.

"Setting Four." Mister Dark said he turned away looking at his papers avoiding eye contact with her.

She screamed loudly and clutched her head and jerked fast on the bed tears poured down her face eyes watery body twitching and jerking involuntarily as she screamed 

If she was looking at Mister Dark she would see he was oddly quiet forcing himself to look. 

He switched it off.  "Subject showed a major reaction to setting four." Mister Dark said writing something down and shutting the file unknown to her there was a fifth setting but he couldn't use it.

He removed the sensors and took the device putting it in his pocket.

He got up adjusting his tie and looked her over she breathed heavily and panted he forced himself to look at her this wasn't as easy as it used to be he was one of the first people involved with this project back then he never would've brought her anything or offered her food though he knew if he didn't do it someone else would instead so why not let it be him she knew him.

He went to leave.  

"A..are you coming back..tomorrow?" She asked as he had almost left the room he was about to shut her in again she would be alone but he turned around to face her.

He hadn't planned on it he only did experiments and check-ins that were requested he accidentally made eye contact her eyes still wet with tears but she looked he couldn't give her an answer and yes he hadn't planned on visiting her again he hadn't been asked to see her tomorrow but he found himself saying yes that he would see her again tomorrow.

She looked happy with this answer as she picked up the bunny and hugged it to her chest he felt like crap how could she be so happy at the prospect of seeing him again didn't she realize what he had just done to her he tortured her used her like a toy. 

But he wanted to see her again it would make her happy so his mind was already made up she was happy she would see him tomorrow.

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