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┌─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐


AALIYAH was pissed off.

Not a normal pissed but she was beginning to regret waking up in the first place.

Her uncle basically advised her to keep an on Scott.

Even Derek did the same, somehow he had apprehended her number and tried to threaten her into observing Scott.

She didn't take his threats seriously because why would she?

He was a beta, and betas' in her eyes are just followers that could never hold power over her.

After all, she is a demigod.

But she knew that since Scott had been freshly turned into a wolf, he had no clue what he was doing.

He had no guidance, which explained why he was still taking part in lacrosse practice.

So she was sitting on the bleachers with an irritated expression.

She had just finished her cheerleading practice, and she could not be bothered to change, so she forced Jackson to give her his jacket.

She of course had her own but she put all her belongings in the car so she didn't have to carry them around.

Luckily Jackson was sufficiently bigger than her so his jacket looked very oversized on her small form.

Coach always let her sit in the private practice sessions because she was his favourite student, he didn't even bother hiding it.

He shot glares at any of the boys who stared at her too long and threatened to extend practice.

The McCall boy was lost in his own mind, not paying attention to the field in the slightest, he failed to notice the other players backing up behind him. "McCall, let's go!" Coach yelled, snapping Scott out of his thoughts, making him aware that he was at the start of the line. "Get it together kid."

Aaliyah winced when Coach tossed the ball, and Scott went for the shot. But Jackson came at him with a volley of slap checks.

"Still want to be first-line, McCall?" The Whittemore boy laughed.

Aaliyah Suppressed a chuckle and quickly took a picture of the chaotic scene and sent It to her cousin.

SplashMountain 💦
he looks hot, but traash, so he's hot trashhh . he should giveee up on his dræms.

You're soo dyslexic, it hurts

SplashMountain 💦

she looked up from her phone and noticed Scott's aura change significantly.

His brown eyes flashed yellow, not that anyone could see.

𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥 ━━ S. Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now