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┌─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐


GUILT. That was all the Demigod felt as her chest heaved up and down, peering out the window as she crouched between the two boys.

She clenched her eyes shut as she tried to steady her breathing.

Derek is dead because of you, her subconscious screamed at her. You paralysed him and he couldn't protect himself.

The image of the wolf getting impaled played over and over in her mind, however morbid and grim it may be, it didn't stop.

The boys kept trying to calm her down, but she kept flinching at their every movement, scared she would cause the same harm to them.

The school doors were shut immediately, but neither of them could find anything to keep them closed, scared that the alpha would easily enter the premises and eventually kill them.

"Grab something." Scott panicked looking at his best friend, whose eyes continued to dart between him and his crush.



While the two supernaturals clasped the handlebars, Stiles noticed the doors to the bolt cutters resting against the wall outside.

He nervously gulped at the idea which formed in his mind.

"Don't even think about it," Aaliyah explained firmly, knowing what He was about to do.

"I have to." He said Batman would do something like this. Plus this is the only way. thoughts swarmed his mind. Whether they were optimistic or just foolish he wanted to listen.

"Don't be the hero in the horror movie." she shook her head, nerves continued to creep through her body.

"You know have to," He mumbled and hastily ran past the two, pushing the door open and to our side.

"He's an idiot". She breathed out as she and Scott scrambled over to the window, watching the erratic boy make his way over to the bolt cutters.

The beta nodded instantly, a smile tugged at his lips, "I know". They saw Stiles run as close to the darkness as he possibly could and reached for the tool.

"A smart idiot," she added.

"I know."

"Oh shit," she exclaimed loud enough for Stiles to realise a looming figure creeping out of the shadows and eyeing him.

Luckily the teen ran back inside in time, all three of them shut the door immediately, making a makeshift lock with the tool.

They all knew it would stay sealed for long, but they had to try.

𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥 ━━ S. Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now