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Nicolas stood in his bedroom, pulling a T-shirt over his head as his roommate strode by in the hallway. They both made their way into the living room in sync, and the other boy grabbed a Roku remote off the television stand. He peered over at Nicolas, who plopped down on the couch, checking his phone for what it seemed like the fifth time. He sighed in disappointment and tossed the device beside him.

"Who got you all upset like that? I hope that ain't who I think it is."

Nicolas sucked his teeth. "Taj, don't start," he warned.

Taj turned on the TV, looked back at the one sitting down, and scoffed. "Nigga— you still waiting for her to text you back?"

"Yes!" He let out an exasperated sigh. His friend, who he had an intense crush on, had left him on delivered for three hours.

Taj frowned at him and sat on the single sofa. "Man, I think it's best you don't try to pursue this," he stated honestly. His friend shook his head.

"I love her, bro. I can't just act like I don't. You won't get it, though."

Taj scoffed at him once again. "You think I don't get it? You have to look at it from her perspective too. I love Siara, but we're going strong because I've never given her a reason not to trust me. Love is a lot, but it's not enough. There has to be a balance between love, loyalty, trust, and many other aspects. You can't just flirt and fuck with every woman you see and expect 'love' to override that shit. I know that's how you are, but if you want to be with her so bad, you need to let that go. Look, I'm a be honest with you–"

"As if you weren't already, but go ahead," Nicolas remarked.

"It's either she feels the same way, and she does have feelings for you, but she doesn't want to get into a relationship with you because you might ruin that and the friendship with your hoeish ways, or she just doesn't want your ass. Either way, staying friends is probably your best bet."

Nicolas stood up, eager to defend himself. "Look, I have been trying. I flirt around, so what? I've been celibate for a couple of months now. She's the only girl I'm serious about."

"Okay, but she got you waiting on her like a lost puppy right now," Taj replied. "Y'all are young; you don't have to settle down right now. You probably feel obligated to because you two are already so close, but that's probably all you both need to be. All this chasing stuff is unnecessary and a waste of time."

"So... does that mean you don't plan on settling with Siara?" Nicolas assumed.

Taj shot a puzzled look at him. "Fuck you talking about– hell no. I'm marrying her, but we're moving at our own pace. Not everyone's pace is the same; that is all I'm saying."

There was a short silence.

"Look, Siara's friend, well, our friend, is back in town, so she's bringing her to the party. You could try to get to know her if you want to, 'cause you need to move on."

Nicolas shrugged. "Yeah, alright," He wasn't trying to hear all of that. He just said it so Taj could leave him alone.

"Bet– but no funny shit. Toni is like a sister to me, so don't try to be on no rebound business. Just get to know her," Taj specified.

Nicolas furrowed his thick brows. "Toni?" He reiterated. The name sounded familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"Yeah, she went to our school," Taj responded absentmindedly. He was preparing to play on the PS4.

Nicolas shrugged it off. There were probably a lot of Toni's that went to their school, which consisted of three thousand people and then some.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a chime from his phone. He quickly grabbed it and read the message on the lock screen.

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