Chapter 9:The announcement

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♥Olivia's POV♥

I walked into the house and my mom came rushing towards me. I looked over her shoulder and saw dad sitting at the dinner table.

"Honey why were you sleeping at that boys house!"

"I don't know. I just had a rough night and he was there."

"If you have an issue you come to us. Not a boy who wants to take advantage of you!"

"I understand. I shouldn't have gone to him, but I couldn't have gone to you either."

"What's that supposed to mean?" My mom said with a sigh.

"Meaning you wouldn't know what to do. It was about you and other stuff." I said quietly.

"Sweetie we need to talk to you."

She said ushering me to the table.

I sighed and sat down.

"Yes?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

My parents sat beside each other.

My dad had a grave look while my mom was giving me a soft smile.

"Honey we are getting a divorce. We just don't think we suit each other anymore. We need a break and see other people. You will get a choice to live here with your father or I strongly suggest you live with me. We'll be happy." She said slowly.

"I'll think about it." I said through a fake smile and my jaw was clenched.

It's not like I didn't see the divorce coming. It was when she said she "strongly suggest" I live with her.

PSH. Yeah, right.

I feel bad for dad.

I stocked upstairs and changed my clothes.

I curled my hair and put some foundation and mascara on.

I grabbed my shoes and purse.

Schools tomorrow and that's when I'll be back in big shirts and baggy pants.


Maybe I should just dress like myself.

I walked downstairs and saw my dad in the living room. I walked over to him and engulfed him in a hug.

"I love you daddy."

He chuckled and hugged me back tightly.

"I love you too honey."

I released him and told him I'm going for a walk. He nodded and I left the house.

I walked to the diner and I sat down at a table in the back.

I heard the ding of the bell and heels clicking their way to me.

I looked up at Candy and she was giving me sickly sweet smile.

"Well, well, I'm happy to see you here."

I have a past with Candy. Not many people know it. Which is the way she wants it and I guess me too.

"Cut the crap. I know you're not happy to see me."

She glared. "Fine. I want Ian. This is a warning if you get close to him I'll cut you." She said slamming her hand on the table.

"Right. I can't choose who he likes or dislikes. Trust me when I say that if I ever date Ian, you'll probably steal him from me."

"Please. I wouldn't steal him. He would come to me. Guess he'll think that you were to ugly and pathetic as much as I do."

Yeah that's why he hangs out with me.

I just looked down and ignored her.

"Oh nothing to say? Cat got your tongue?"

More like tramp.

"Is that all you wanted? To warn me?"

"Yep. See ya." With that she ordered and left.

I got up and ordered a Oreo chocolate milkshake to go.

I left, not feeling like walking any more.

I came home and went upstairs.

I sat down on my bed and watched a movie, drinking my milkshake.

My phone went off and I picked up it to see its a text from Ian.

A smiled made its way to my face and I opened the message.

'Hey button. What did your mom want?'-I

'To tell me that they are getting a divorce.'-O

'Oh. I'm sorry:/'

'It's cool. I saw it coming. What made me mad tho was that my mom was wanting me to live with her.'

I had to wait longer for the next text to come.

'Are you leaving?'-I

'No. I'll never leave.'-O

Yes, my text had double meaning but he doesn't need to know that.

'Good. So, you're going to live w/ your dad?'-I

'Yep. :)'-O

'How was your day?'-I

Should I tell him about Candy?

Would he even care?

'I ran into Candice.'-O

'What happened?'-I

'She threatened me to stay away from you. She thinks that you like me and I'm some competition.'-O

I had to wait for 3 minutes for a reply.

'I would never date her. She's too much of a bitch.'-I

'Yeah tell me about it.'-O

'Omg! I would never date that.'-I

'Lol yeah. You sounded like a girl. :P'-O

'Well, excuse me. Omg did you hear about this sexy god?! No!? His name is Ian!!!'-I

I smiled and shook my head.

'No sorry but I did hear about a hottie. Her names Olivia;)'-O

'ya I heard of her. She's awesome! ;)'-I

'You R a dork.'-O

'Hey I'm no whale penis!'-I

Face palm.

'No but you R stupid.'-O

'Hey meanie'-I

'Sorry, but you love me anyway.'-O

';) you love me too.'-I

'Wht ever. Lol of course how can I not love a sexy god?'-O

Oh my gosh. Did I really just send that!

'Good question button. Hey I'm sorry but I gotta go. My moms shouting at me to do the dishes. See ya at school hottie;)'

I smiled and sent a quick good-bye text.

The rest of the day was pretty boring. My mom started to pack though. She said she would be leaving next week.

I got dressed in an over-size shirt and got into bed.

I fell asleep deciding that tomorrow I'm going to be myself.

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