Prologue - A Patriot Dethrones a Queen

346 8 39

April 1783


Connor Kenway had just returned back to his village from a long struggle in order to protect it from the Templar plot to capture their land.

After more than a decade of him training under the old Assassin mentor Achilles and hunting every Templar influencing the colonies, Connor had finally won the war between the Brotherhood and the Order.

Now all he needed to do was go home to see the results of his long struggle for freedom.

But just when he arrived.....he found his village completely abandoned, not a single adult or child going about his home.

The buildings were intact, but it was as if everyone and every object had disappeared........except for one thing left.

Upon going into the same hut he met with the elder many years ago and received a vision from a spirit, Connor found the box containing the strange orb was still there, having been left by elder in the haste to leave.

He opened it and saw the same orb, completely intact as he picked it up.

"Why would they leave this behind?"Connor asks himself, not sure why something they were supposed to protect was left so open for anyone to take.

The orb began to glow brightly, darkening the inside of the hut before the light changed the place he was in.

"Ah..long have we waited for you to return." says the voice of the spirit he encountered in his vision, which was known as Juno to his ancestors. "You have done as we asked. You have succeeded."

"No! I have failed!" Connor says in anger and disappointment, feeling he let everyone down. "My people are gone-chased out by those who I thought would protect them..."

"It is a trade. A sacrifice. And not in vain." Juno replies back to him. "For you have found it."

"This?" Connor asks as he looks down at the amulet he retrieved from his last target, Charles Lee.

"Now you must hide it. Where none shall think to look." Juno continued to him. "And then in time...what once was...shall be...again."

"I do not understand." Connor says, confused by what she meant.

"Nor need you. Only do as we ask." Juno says in response. "Then you may do as you wish."

"But what of my people?" Connor asks her, reminding that he had set out to keep them safe.

"You have saved this place-as was your people's purpose. And that matters most." Juno replied back.

"It is not enough!" Connor calls back in frustration, feeling this spirit has only tricked him.

"It will never be enough." Juno immediately tells him. "You strive for that which doesn't exist. Still you have made a difference. And you will do so again."

Connor could not believe what he was hearing from her and felt utterly betrayed in this matter.

Juno had promised that going down this path would help protect his people, as well as keep a peace they never had in generations.

But this path was all just a disappointing war that left countless people dead, many other people still slaves and forced his tribe and several to leave their home.

Nothing has changed!

And for what? Just to obtain an item from the Templars for something this spirit would not tell him?

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