Chapter 23

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Arias POV:
I stare at Dylan. Did he just ask me if I wanted a baby? What do I answer? Do I? Am I even good with kids? Do kids like me? Am I ready to be a mom? Am I maybe too young? What if I don't have time for kids right now? Does Dylan want kids?

Thousands of questions are in my head and I can't think straight.

-"Um I don't know Dylan, I was not really prepared for that question to be honest." I bite my lips.

-"No, no I get it, I'll give you some time I just had to ask. No worries." Dylan kisses me on my forehead before I walk upstairs and sit on our bed.

Okay Aria think.

I love kids I really do and I've always wanted kids. I'm just worried I won't have time, I know we're almost done with season six but I got Brooklyn too. What if pregnant me is going to change me completely. My 19 birthday is in a week and I'm still a teenager. Wow that sounds weird. Wait, now it's July so if I get pregnant now, the baby will probably be born in somewhere around April.

After thinking of it for a while. I think I have my answer.

-"Dyl could you come up here?" I yell as Dylan runs upstairs to our bedroom.

-"I need to ask you something. Do you feel ready to have kids? Now be honest with me because we're about to make a big decision that could change our life's." I look into his honey brown eyes.

-"I'm ready. Just imagine having a mini running around the house. It would be so much fun!" He grows a big smile on his face and I giggle.

-"Okay then, let's try for a baby!" I jump up in Dylan's arms as he spins around.

-"Should we tell someone?" Dylan asks me.

-"I think we should wait, you know maybe we can't even get pregnant but we'll just have to wait and see." I kiss him softly and he kisses me back.

-"Mom! Dad! Where are you?" Brooklyn yells downstairs.

-"Coming!" I yell back loading my grip on Dylan and heading downstairs to talk to Brooklyn.

-"Soo.. a girl from class, Olivia, asked me if I wanted to go to her sleepover. Can I?" She jumps around in the living room.

-"Yeah sure why not. When is it?" I check the time, it's 5pm already.

-"I'm two hours. I gotta go pack my bag! Thank you!" She hugs me before running off to the room we got her.

I smile.

Can you imagine Dylan and I will try for one of those?

I couldn't be happier.

Time skip*

-"Bye sweetie have fun! And call me if anything's wrong! Love you!" I roll the window up starting to head home.

I open the door to see Dylan sitting watching tv in the living room.

I sit next to him and he turns to kiss me.

It quickly escalates.

-"Wanna try for the baby?" Dylan smirks.

-"You don't even have to ask." I chuckle kissing him.

6 days later* haha I know I'm evil.

-"Don't walk in to the kitchen! I'm trying to wrap your gift up!" Dylan pushes me out of the kitchen and I walk to our bathroom upstairs.

I've been feeling a bit down lately and I don't know why. I'm kinda nauseous and sometimes I feel like I'm sick. Also, my period should've came two days ago.

I decide to take a test.

A couple minutes later I decide to check the test. I turned it upside down in our bathroom and I've been sitting there scrolling on my phone while the test has been laying there.

My hands are shaking like crazy and I decide to look at the test.

I close my eyes and lift it up before opening my eyes again.


Oh my god I'm going to be a mom!

I start crying while screaming at Dylan.

-"Are you done now?!" I yell impatient.

-"Yep everything's clear you can come down now!" He yells back.

I walk downstairs with a huge smile on my face.

-"Close your eyes." I tell Dylan and he does as I say.

-"Now hold out your hands." I put his hands out in front of me before placing the test in them.

-"Open!" I laugh.

He stares at the test in chock.

-"You're pregnant? Omg your pregnant!" He twirls me around before placing a hundred of kisses in my face.

-"We're going to be parents. We need to tell Brooke." I can't help but smile again.

My life is the best right now.

I have a boyfriend and a foster daughter that I love.

Now I'm having a baby.

I'm going to be a mom!

I can't wait!

We tell Brooklyn and she started squealing excitedly.

Tomorrow is my birthday and then I'm planning in telling everyone. It's going to be my little gift for them.

The next day at her birthday party.

Everyone are sitting in the living room. Watching me open my gifts.

-"Red, white or champagne?" Posey points at the red and white wine at the table while holding a bottle of champagne.

-"Nothing. I'll just have a water." I look at him.

-"Did that just happen? Did Aria Wright just say no to champagne?" Everyone are playing around with me acting chocked.

I look at Dylan before speaking.

-"I would love to, but I can't have it, not until after 9 months." I smile and watch everyone realize.

-"Oh my god congratulations!" Crystal yells while hugging me tightly.

It turns to a group hug.

Or yeah, everyone except Tyler.

(A/N: Tyler= Tyler H, Posey= Tyler P)

-"Not even a hug?" I begin to fake cry and he furrow his brows.

-"Wait I don't get it." He starts looking around the room as we all bursts into laughter.

-"I'm pregnant you dumb ass!" I say between my laughs and see how Tyler starts jumping.

-"Wait what? You two had sex?" He turns to Dylan.

He then laughs and hits Tyler at the arm.

I hug Tyler and he hugs me back.

-"Congrats girlie. You're going to be the best mom." He whispers into my ear.

-"Thank you Ty." I whisper back.

Okay guys don't hate me now, I was thinking of doing something hehe but I know you will all hate me for it. It's horrible and I'm going to make you cry and you're all going to want to kill me after it but oh well. I'm not sure yet if I'll do it but yeah we'll see.

Question: do you think it's a boy or a girl?

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