1: The Norm

72 5 0

Word Count: 1351
Posted: March 17th 2022


Two months ago

"Happy Birthday, Y/N! 🥳 I know things have been rough but we'll get through it together. See you at school tomorrow!"

You read Felix's text as you laid in bed. Your best friend was loyal for sure, but sending a birthday text at 12 AM on the dot was a surprise to you.

"Thanks, Felix :) See you tomorrow"

You texted back before sitting your phone to the side and thinking of your best friend's text. You really did hope things got better, both at school and at home. Would they? You weren't quite sure. But if Felix was hopeful then you should be too. Or at least you thought so.

6 AM rolled around quickly and you pried yourself from the comfort of your blankets to get ready at the command of the alarm on your phone. After fitting yourself in your uniform you took your usual walk to the train station that took you into the neighborhood where school was. You waited, sitting in a bench with your headphones on full blast. You hummed along with the lyrics, vibing as the bass of the song reverberated against your ears- a feeling you had grown accustomed to after listening to God's Menu (a song from some underground artist who's name you couldn't remember) for so long. Soon enough, the gentle poke of your shoulder snapped you out of the zone. You met Felix's eyes and uses a hand to take the headphones from your head, letting them rest around your neck.

"Hey, sorry I'm a couple minutes late."

The dark haired boy immediately apologized. You frowned a little.

"Felix, it hasn't been that long, don't worry."

You started as you watched him rest his schoolbag on the ground, rummaging through it before pulling out a small box.

"Hm? What's that?"

"Happy Birthday."

He said almost proudly with his small smile. You stared at him got just a moment as he handed you the box. You cracked just a small smile back, unable to help yourself.

"You got my something? Why'd you do that?"

You ask as you look at the box. It was square in shape, about the size of your left hand. There was a cute little bow and it was your favorite color, which didn't surprise you very much. Felix always took note of even the smallest of details.

"Well, it's your birthday, Y/N. Your parents aren't in town so I thought I would get you something like always. I have extra money if you want to go shopping or something after school?"

He asks as he's putting his bag on. You still stared at him. There he goes, being overly-generous as always.

"Felix, I-"

"And no buts."

He said, making eye contact. He knew how you were with his offers but this time he wasn't having it.

"You can reject all you want but I'm still going to give you what you want. You're my friend."

You stared at him, blinking a couple times as you were unsure of what to say that wouldn't be too cheesy.

"That and I owe you and you won't shut up about it."

He added with a playful smile, looking away from you. You lightly elbowed his arm.

"You do, I've paid for your train fare how many times now?"

"I know, I know."

He said, shrugging you away a little. You looked at the small box before sliding it into your bag, reminding yourself to take a look at it later. 

"You know, Yong-bok, you can be pretty pushy sometimes."

You say and Felix of course immediately looked over again.

"I know, it's the only way to get you to listen. And don't call me that."

He said quietly, highlighting the tone that his deep voice had. He spoke as if he was actually offended. You of course kept your smile though.

"Ah, calm down, I'm only joking. Your reaction to it is funny."

Soon enough the train came and you two made it to school. You and Felix were in different classes so you split as soon as you made it to school. You went to your locker first, opening it and putting away the books you wouldn't need until later. Soon enough a familiar girl leaned against the locker beside yours. When you looked at her she was smiling almost mischievously.

"What's that look, Yeji?"

You asked as the girl giggled, her hands resting on your shoulders.

"Happy Birthday, bestie!"

She said it enthusiastically with her well known bright smile. You envied it sometimes. Hwang Yeji was pretty charismatic so it was easy to get caught up in shenanigans she got into while you were with her, most of them involving boys who thought ‘shooting their shot’ would be an excellent idea. Her nails tapped against you gently, feeling similar to that of a kitten’s claws. 

“So! Any plans?”

She asks excitedly. You closed your locker and leaned against it.

“Felix had some ideas for us after school.”

Yeji nodded.

“Damn- y’know, I figured. He always kinda likes to spend time with you. I think he likes you.”

She says quietly, her hands moving and pressed against the lockers, her nails clicking at the sound of contact. You scoffed at her comment.

“Please, I doubt it. We’ve been friends since pre-school. I don’t think he feels that way, he just feels bad for me.”

You say, shifting the books in your arms and looking at the ground. Yeji’s cat-like eyes stared at the floor for just a second.

“Hm.. well--”

She was cut off by the sound of a loud slam. The sight of one of your classmates being thrown against the locker wasn’t anything new in this school. As un-surprising as it was, your classmate Kim Jennie for example, yelped and buried her face into her boyfriend. You and Yeji watched your other classmate fall to the floor, the boys surrounding laughing their asses off about it as they continued on with their day like nothing happened. 

You made eye contact with one of them- the one boy who didn't laugh. He may not have laughed at the boy falling but he sure did crack a smile when he met your eyes. You recognized him but didn't know who he was. He continued on with the boys, breaking eye contact. It took you a moment to register Yeji snapping in front of your eyes. 

"Y/n. Y/n."

"Hm-? Yes?"

You snapped out of it, glancing at Yeji, who was staring at you.

"You know who the kid is, right?"

She asks, referring to the one who was still getting up.

"That's Han. Han Jisung? Remember the one I told you about?"
She asks quietly.

It took all of your will not to look at him but out of the corner of your eye you could see him getting up and walking away. You felt kind of bad. The fact that shit like this always happened here wasn't new, but at the same time, as long as it wasn't you getting thrown around by the boys anymore, you didn't really worry about it. You would see the Han kid in class anyways. 

"I don't remember what you told me about him. What, did Lia have a thing for him or something?"

You ask and Yeji scoffs.
"No, of course not."
The first bell rings and the cat-eyed girl sighed. 
"Okay, meet me on the roof at lunch, okay? I'll talk to you then."

Before you could respond, Yeji was walking away briskly, you watched as her pony tail swung with her every step, the pink streak highlighting the true sass that your friend had. Taking an exhausted breath, you start to make your way to class.

Your school was pretty normal. The typical bully and victim situation was the norm. You'd been in the situation once or twice yourself. All you could do was pray that now that you're a year older, that things would be a little less ordinary.

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