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"911 what's your emergency?" Said the dispatcher.

"Me and my daughter just got back from the supermarket and this group of men started following us and now they're inside my house." I said in a panicking tone.

"Okay, what's your address?" She replied.

"1123 oakly street" I say.

"We have officers on the way. I'm going to need you to stay on the line with me ma'am to make sure that you remain safe at all times." She informs me.

"Yes, thats fine." I stutter in fear as I hear the men getting closer and closer, the floor creaking with each footstep.

"They're getting closer" I say.

  Molly starts crying so i cover her mouth and tell her that it will be okay. She whines.

  "Ma'am, is your daughter a baby!?" she says over the phone.

  "Yes she is.." I respond.

  "Keep her quiet the officers are almost there." she says in a strict tone.

  "I'm starting to get light headed ma'am what do I do.. i cant get anything cold right now.. the people are in my kitchen." I panic.

  "Do you have a window nearby?" she asks me.

  "Yes.. but its up high and i cant reach it." I say breathing heavily.

  "Okay.. try getting a chair and grabbing some snow or an icicle really quickly but leave your baby in the closet, okay?" she suggests.

  "O-okay.." I agree.

  Before i could get up the men bust my bedroom door down and shoot my bed frame and then my mirror. There is a crack in the wardrobe door that you can see through if you look in the mirror. One of the guys look straight at the crack.

  "You can't run anymore." the man says " We've got you now."

  Molly screams and the man slides the closet door open with all his might. He shoots. Everything goes black and i cant hear anything.

Mommy, Can You Hear me?Where stories live. Discover now