Amethyst x reader part 1

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I was bored and since there are not much story's about the twins I thought about doing one Or more btw. The phos part is coming sooner or later. (Btw this is and old draft)

You don't know how you got here but it's not what you expected it to be. how did you got here ?, How? you don't know yourself you and your two Friends Yuko and Akiko woke up in the middle of a grass field, you didn't know how you got there. When you and your friends first arrived at a strange house you saw a girl? with black long hair and a tall bald man, you then told them everything and explained things you knew he understood and explained things to you and then told everyone to come and introduce and there were you and your friends introducing yourself to them.

"Hey my name is akiko" she said with a smile "I'm yuko nice to meet you too" you're other friend said, some of the gems smiled, ofc you didn't say anything, how could they just introduce themselves so easy? You thought "I-I'm Y/m it's a pleasure " you said with a small smile 'WHY DID I STUTTER?!' You thought too yourself. Then suddenly a like shining rainbow gem came towards me "You're really cute, Sensei can I show them around?" She said happy and joyful "of course you can " She smiled "ehh what's your name?" I ask confused "Oh right I am diamond but you can just call me Dia for short!" She took my hand "now let me show you around!" She said, I nodded and smiled. Diamond showed you and your Friends you Even got you're own room? Room for yourself that luxury.

After the tour around the school you got to youre room and plopped on your bed 'well atleast they are nice' you thought suddenly you heard a knock (you have real doors here) "Come in!" Then two purple gems came in "your Y/n right?" The one on the right said 'twins?'you thought was stopped when the other spoke "hello miss Y/n? " "sorry I just was in thoughts" they smiled "it's okay" they said in sync. "We were told to come to get you by Rutile" On of the twins said.

(This is the part that I did know the other ones old!)

"Oh, okay" you said calmly looking at them before they pulled you up "well then let's go!" The left one said" oh and by the way you can call me amethyst 84" the right one said "you can call me Amethyst 33" the left one said. "Oh haha- probably will switch it anyway.." you said awkwardly they giggle and pulled you out of your room to Rutile.

You and the twins walk around the school on the way to Rutile the so called 'Doctor' here. Eventually the three of you made it too Rutile. "Here we are " the so called amethyst  84 said. Rutile checked your health and learned new things about you like, being mortal , one life , When you get a cute you bleed , You can get sick , You're body is Sensitive and everything. After that Rutile wrote everything down and you could go.

(Le time skip)
It's been like weeks or months since you came here it wasn't bad or anything you came pretty close to the twins and the others , you really liked Diamond she's really nice and sweet. She's like your new bestie hehe.. You even met Phos they sooo cute and adorable too you but the ones that matted the most to you were eventually two other people


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