Chapter 13

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They had followed Michael in the deepest area of the woods in the small town. Karen and her was on edge as she saw what was about to happen and felt chills going down her frail spine. It was as if she had already known that this so called mission was going to.lead to many deaths and she didn't really want to stay to find out the outcome of it all. But her legs won't quardanate with her brain into moving away from her possible death.

Why wasn't that?

Was it because she was a relative of this monster of a man? Or was it because she was so desperate to see those twins die at the hands of the two folk that they had haunted all these years? She didn't know which was the reason for it. But she only know that she wanted to see them die. Die at her hands at least. To bring peace to her mother and family that had seemed cured because of Michael and Andrew Myers.

Those damn twins had alway had to ruin her mother and her as well, all her life she was forced to train in self-defence so that she wasn't an easy target. Jake was suffering because of them as he had told her everything that he had tried to do for them. Literally everything. That man aging in his 70s is a great man indeed. He sometimes still wish that he could have done more for them.

That was what made Karen feel pity for Jake. He tried too hard for those twins and yet this was how they repay him. With the blood of the innocent. If they truly loved him then they would change for him. Not by much just stopping all this needless killing would be enough. But in the end Michael and Andrew where just Killers and nothing more.

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