Chapter 5

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A man with shoulder length pale hair and a large frame stood broadly  in the very comfort of the shadows. Wrinkled with viens popping out as scars covered his white skin. No sun had ever been dawn apon it as there was now healthy glow of a tan. They wore the murky, brown mechanic suit like all those years before. A mask ruined with age as the dirt from it made the once pale rubber into an dull grey filled with cracks.

That mask was getting old and ruined with many years of age. The man behind that very mask seems to be needing a new one. Andrew walked in the night time stalking the many various preys that has surrounded him. Unaware of another old man watching his every move stalking, analysing his movements. As if studding him, as if he was just watching a mere animal stalking it's next meal.

A group of multiple people of various of ages and beliefs had gave around the table planning on how they are going to be able to get rid of the two curesed twins. Killing was a huge factor as it ment that no one would suffer anymore from their carnage. But who says that it would be easy just to be able het close enough to one of them without alerting the other? Now that is why they are here to speak about.

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