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Shoutout to the fp where I got this photo from🥰

Continuing off of Chapter 2....

The movie scenes

Omniscient POV

Karen and Drew had a dinner date tonight with newlyweds who were now
Pastor and First Lady of a local church.
That was passed on from generation.
They had a lot in common with Karen and Drew so that's why they planned the dinner.
Karen and Drew have been married for over a year now and are pastor and First Lady of Drew's father church now since his father stepped down. They were early to the restaurant so while waiting for the other couple they got a table and just ordered water at the moment. Karen was awfully quite and it was kind of concerning to Drew considering Karen normally talks to him.
This time she was just looking out the window...

Drew: You okay babe?

Karen: Huh?

She said looking back at Drew

Drew: You okay?

Karen: Oh yea I'm fine baby-
Uh- Look the Morrisons are coming in.

She said as Drew got up and so did she greeting the couple. After they greeted each other they all sat down and talked for a little while looking at their menu's.
The waitress came 10 minutes later to take up their order and within another 25 minutes their food came out. They mainly all ordered steak with a side of salad. Everyone enjoyed their food while Karen barely touched hers.

Gladys: Karen are you okay?
You barely ate...

Mrs.Morrison making Drew pull all his attention to Karen.

Karen: Yeah I-I'm fine I'm just not hungry anymore.

Drew: You feeling alright baby?

Karen: Yeah I'm fine- I-
Excuse me for a second.

Karen said and Drew got up from the booth and Karen got up rushing to the bathroom.
Going into the bathroom and locking the door,
Karen threw her purse on the counter and ran to the toilet gagging over it.
After gagging for a few seconds she threw up holding onto the wall. She grabbed some toilet tissue to wipe her mouth since it was next to her and stood there trying to see if she had to throw up again or if it was over with.

Drew: Karen

Drew called from the side of the door,
Karen sighed knowing her husband knew something was wrong with her.

Karen: I'll be out in a minute Drew.

Karen washed her hands and dried them using a paper towel to wiped her face.
She looked in the mirror fixing her hair
as she took a breath trying to maker sure she was better before stepping out the bathroom and meeting her husband face to face.

Drew: Did you throw up I thought I heard you-

Karen: It's nothing to worry about it was probably the food, Okay?

Drew: You barely touched your food,

Karen: Drew I'm okay baby no let's go enjoy the rest of our dinner with the Morrisons.

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