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Note: Skip this chapter because it's unless! 🤦🏾‍♀️The next chapter the movie scene😂




"After seeing all of that drama we finally did have a baby which was my beautiful and eldest daughter Kierra. Who is sitting next to me and my handsome and eldest son J Drew who's sitting next to my wonderful husband Drew?
I think the journey of getting pregnant taught me to be more grateful for the small things I had and it most definitely taught me patience.
What did it teach you, Drew?"

"We'll it taught me that God's timing is always on time, it taught me not to rush God,
It taught me to cherish and love every day like it's your last because tomorrow isn't promised.
The last thing would be is it taught me patience."

"Amen, honey!
Now we will be hearing from Kierra and J Drew about the next scene coming up.
This scene or I should say scenes was a big blur to me but Kierra is more so going to tell us what she remembers"

"Okay hi everyone I'm Kierra Sheard-Kelly and I play my mother Karen Clark-Sheard in the movie Let's stay together. I'd like to talk about a scene in the movie that I remember clearly as day. Although I was there when it happened it was hard watching it in the movie. But
Priah Nicole Ferguson who played young Kierra did a wonderful job portraying me.

Okay so, I remember my mother putting my brother and me down for a nap which was normally 11:30 or noon. So she normally puts us on her and dad's bed then once my brother fell asleep she put him in his crib and I'd stay on the bed. At the time I was 4 and J Drew was 2 if I'm not mistaken. My father was at work so it was just us and mommy.

Anyway, I woke up to J Drew crying and I called my mother because he was crying for a while so I was like okay mommy he crying too much hush him up."

I said chuckling...

"He kept crying and I kept calling my momma because I was like where is she at?
So I went into J Drew's room and got him out of his crib. I- uh- I gave him his bottle and told him to sit down so I could find momma.
After that, I went to go find mommy at the time we had just moved into our new house and had stairs that I was terrified of so my parents would either carry me down the stairs or help me go down the stairs.

I remember calling my mama again and I was like okay look girl she does not answer so you gotta go down these stairs I did end up going down the stairs and at the bottom of the stairs there was my mother lying face down on the floor so I ran to her and started calling her name.

Remind you I was only 4 so I didn't understand what was going on so I kept tapping her and calling her but she didn't respond so I stood there and cried cause I was like okay my mama isn't waking up, my brother is crying and my dad isn't here.

I was helpless but then I thought about it and I remembered that earlier that day she was teaching me about 911 and you know if you need help call then I went to the kitchen and called them on the house phone and called them. They did get help for mommy and I remember the 911 operator called my father and y'all I've never been so happy to hear my father's voice. Like I was so relieved.
I talked to him and he talked to me,
He was like go get J Drew and wait for the paramedics so I did and we waited a few minutes before they got there.

Auntie Twinkie was on the way there anyway so she got there and we went with her to the hospital. After that it wasn't much happening I just know we went home with Auntie Twinkie and I kept asking her was mommy okay.
She kept saying yes she was just asleep and when I got older I found out that my mother was actually in a coma for a couple of weeks.
I remember they brought J Drew and me to go see her while she was in the hospital and I would not go in that room.

Like I was not having it. My father kept telling me it's okay go ahead but I was like no who is that person?
All I saw was my mother who had a bunch of cords and tubes on her and at the age, I told my father. That wasn't my mommy.
He kept trying to persuade me that it was and yes it was I just- don't know she looked so different to me. After that couple of weeks ago, we finally went home and my mommy was there awake and herself. I remember jumping on the bed and just so relieved that she was okay.

I gave my mommy so many hugs and kisses like I'd never been away from her that long even though she toured for a love but I think the longest she was ever away from me when she was touring was a couple of days. So 2 weeks was my limit. Um- I sat down next to her in the bed and I kept asking her questions like why were their pills on her nightstand and why she slept for long and she changed the whole conversation and was like I have something to tell you and I was like okay what.
She was like you're going to be a big sister again and I was like what?

She was like you're father and I are having another baby and I was so happy.
So that's where my twin sister and brother, Judah and Krista come in."

"Thank you Kierra for sharing that with us.
I'd like to add for those who are wondering.
Yes, the reason I passed out was that I was diabetic and at the time I didn't know.
My doctor at the time said that my blood sugar was like 50 something and that's basically like the line to where you are about to meet Jesus.
But thank God for my wonderful daughter who woke up right in time and called for help.
Also, you are about to see it in the next scene.

The pregnancy with the twins was rough the doctors wanted me to get rid of them because supposedly they weren't growing and I remember telling Drew look I know my body and I know our babies are fine. So he finally believed me and I continued the pregnancy.
When I gave birth they were healthy and that's all that happened. So ladies if you have something telling you something else than what your doctors or whoever is saying please listen to it because they almost persuaded me to just give up. Especially with being sick. So please trust your instincts.

The next chapter is up now!

@JaiCreations 🫶🏽

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