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I  still have a few weeks left before I fly back to South Korea. Currently,  I am in my room and Owen just came here to visit. After Shelly left, he really REALLY became MORE clingy than usual. He is clingy even before but now, he is very touchy and visits where he would beg me to let him stay here. It feels weird wearing this mask and glasses when I am at my own home, but I am not really comfortable with having anyone who was not my family member see it.

I was just scrolling down on social media using my phone and he was just watching me, sitting beside me. His head was leaning on my shoulder and looking at my phone.

"Hey... (Y/n)" He suddenly call my name which made me look down my eyes to look at him. He was now looking at me. His face is too close to mine and it was a good thing that I'm wearing a mask and glasses.

"Hm." I respond.

"Are you really... going back to Korea this week?"He asked solemnly while fiercely looking at mine intently.

"I am." I replied, not breaking the eye contact that only I can see since my glasses are too tinted to be looked at what's behind it.


I was shocked and quickly cover my eyes as he immediately remove my glasses.

"Hey!! Give it back, Owen!" I demanded and holding out my hand for him to place my glasses. Damn! I can feel those ghosts lingering around the room. Fuck! Is that thing only a head that's hanging? I feel like vomiting. They are looking at us, no... they're looking at me.

"You can see us, right? right?" One of the child ghosts approach me cheerfully, I didn't respond. I never did. Owen notice that I just froze there, and walk to my side as I felt his footsteps.

"I can't understand... why are you hiding this face..." He hold my hand that was supposed to reach out on my glasses. He then holds the other arm of mine that keeps covering my eyes.

Now, we are seeing each other from eye to eye.

I noticed his face which was becoming a little red.

He then let go of the hands that were reaching out earlier and put them in the front of my mask.

"C-can I?" He asked, I can feel his hand tremble. Why was he nervous?

I just nodded without knowing what he would actually do.

I froze when he bring down my mask, a few seconds after that, I felt something brush against my mouth. It was brief but soft and felt so long. W-what the fuck? Did he–

I just looked at him, he was so red at his hands are trembling as he let go. I thought he would leave, but he just turn his back at me.

"Y-you, y-you should be proud having a face like that!" he just shouted while his back turned. I noticed his ears are red. I was shocked but I still take my composure and stayed calm. Damn! That kiss surely surprises me.

I didn't respond so he took it as his queue to continue.

"You better come back soon, you and Shelly..." he said, he seems to have calmed down for a bit. He doesn't want to face me, probably too embarrassed for what he did. I didn't respond and waited for him to finish what he wanted to say.

"I will drag you two here if it takes you more time to stay there." he continued. Silence engulfed the room and the atmosphere seems to tense. I just raised one brow at his words. He didn't even get me the chance to agree on his words.

Suddenly, he looked at me and only had his head turn to look directly into my eye.

"Especially you, (Y/n). You better.. come back." He slightly bit his lips, probably nervous for whatever reason. His face is so red, very noticeable on his fair skin and blonde hair.

"Don't worry too much about it." The only thing I replied. I do not want to promise something. I just walked near him, his eyes are not leaving me and I can feel it in every ounce of my body. The things around in my room are all watching and chatting among each other. Y'all, this ain't a drama.

I put my hands on top of his head and pat him. Our height does not really fall behind with each other, so patting him does not makes it awkward for me... A little bit.

"We will still definitely see each other soon," I assured him while patting his head. He just stared at me, unable to speak but too red to be looked at. Well, is he okay?

And what still shock me, for the third or how many times I felt shocked this day, he hugged me tightly. His hand is wrapped on my nape. I just awkwardly hug back loosely.

"Of course... I'll make sure it will happen." with that as his words, he let go and left the room. I just stood there and watch his back leave the room.


A few days passed and Shelly who was in Korea won't miss a day from messaging and face timing me. She keeps asking when would I go back and she wanted me to meet someone she likes but she also adds that no one compares to me or those cheesy things to say. I don't mind anything she's doing, I just hope she's fine and happy.

With the person Shelly keep talking to, Owen also heard about it and didn't believe the things she's saying but I know deep inside, he's probably jealous lmaooo.

A few days have passed and notifications from Shelly have popped up. A picture with a guy in glasses was with her. One was full of smile, while the other was on his poker face. 

'Well... not bad Shelly.' I thought while looking at the picture of two people.

"Sunny High" I suddenly blurted when I remember the school Shelly told me that she's been studying at.

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