||22|| Back With Da Queen

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Are spruce leaves edible? Cause i have a weird craving to eat leaves-

And like before, this may involve parts that might be inappropriate. But as I see them alot, i think it's okay. But, you can always tell me to change or take off the chapter. And you're free to report this fanfic. I dont mind. It's your right to report if you want to.

(Spelling/Grammar mistakes included)
Anyways, enjoy!! :>


Narrator's Pov.

The next few days were just hanging out with friends and making enjoyable content. All was amazing. At the end of the week, Phil dropped of Tommy at his house, and Tubbo and Ranboo at the train station, where they went back home.

After a nice peaceful walk, they were greeted by the one and only Lani. And I must say, she was jumping for information.

(While Lani was alone without Toby and Ranboo, she was told by Wilbur to not contact him for awhile. And she couldn't reach Tommy for an unknown reason.)


3rd Person Pov.
With Ranboo, Tubbo, and Lani. At the front door.

"Hello boys!" Lani exclaimed with a cheerful smile. "Do you know how much i missed you?"

Tubbo chuckled. "Hey Lani. How were you doing?"

"Oh, i was alright. And you guys?" Lani asked politely.

"We had a fun time. Was really nice to spend time with friends." Ranboo replied with a small smile behind his mask.

"Glad to know. Now come on in. We have some business, you know." The smaller brunette smirked.

"Lani!" Tubbo whinned, "Please no.."

"Sorry dear brother, but yes." Lani looked up at the blonde. "You too, tall boy."

And she walked away with resisting the urge to sing out loud.

The two boys looked at each other. And they walked in. They weren't happy at all now.

Time skip.
Forty-nine minutes later..

Tubbo sat on his bed with worry. In the room beside him, Ranboo's sat with worry too. Now, this was pain. But the blonde didnt mind as much as the brunette did. Because Tubbo knew his sister would be screaming during their very 'calm and quiet' conversation. To add, Lani would talk to Toby first, since both are siblings.

After a few minutes, the tall blonde was standing in front of Tubbo's bedroom door. He knocked, and the door opened, revealing a tired brunette.

"Can i come in?" Ranboo asked. Tubbo nodded and let the blonde in. The brunette closed the door. And purposely, locking the door. But of course, the blonde didnt know that.

Lani will have to wait a little while before continuing her little business.. Tubbo silently thought.

Time skip.
Eight minutes later.. (I just wanted a time skip. And i do not care if it is short-)

At this moment, Ranboo was sitting with his legs crossed on the bed. And Tubbo was sitting on his lap, straddling him (I hope it doesn't sound weird).

The blonde had his arms around the brunette's waist again, and Tubbo had his hands the blonde's shoulder.

Just a few seconds ago, they were talking about something random, but the blonde stopped to think for a bit. And the brunette took that chance. Tubbo straightened up, and pressed his lips onto Ranboo's. The blonde looked down shocked, but leaned into it.

A bit after, Ranboo found himself shocked again, when Tubbo unexpectedly bit his lip. Since the blonde wasn't expecting this, he opened his mouth to gasp. And with that, the brunette stuck his tongue in, and explored the blonde's mouth.

The blonde didnt know what to do at all at this point. He never even knew tubbo could do this. Especially to him.

Both pulled away after, and breathed heavily to catch their breaths.

"I didnt think t-that.. that you'd do that.." Ranboo stuttered quietly, blushing more after he realized he stuttered.

"But did you like it?" The brunette asked, looking down with a small smile, growing wider.

After Tubbo didn't get an answer, he looked up. But suprised with a pair of lips crashing into his own. One of Ranboo's hand reached up to the mop of hair sitting on Tubbo's hair, and started gently playing with it.

But before the blonde could do anything, Tubbo pushed the blonde down on his back, and bit his lip again, asking for entrance. The blonde fought back, before letting him.

On the other hand, Lani, knowing the door was locked, didnt bother them for the rest of the day, knowing if she accidentally overheard whatever they were saying or doing (not in that way please-), she would regret it.

So she sat in her room, waiting patiently for night to come.


I was having second thoughts on this chapter. Im like, terrified if i would get banned for this- i do not wanna get banned. At all. I love this account way to much.

If i get in trouble, eh, it's better than getting banned- but i dont want either.

Also, sorry this was short too- im trying to make them longer.

Anyways, I FINALLY KNOW HOW TO FINISH THIS BOOK!! JESUS, THIS TOOK FOREVER TO FIGURE OUT HONESTLY. The last chapter will be the.. hah im not telling you- But I will try to make about 9 or 10 more chaps. And longer ones too. And I'll probably add a small thank you part at the end.


So take care of yourselves and drink some water. You can always talk to me :)
Love you all!!!! <3

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