||25|| Bench Trio Without Da Bench

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Helloo!! This might be pretty fluffy and sweet. And maybe, uh.. haha.. well it has something atleast..


Narrator's pov.

Weeks passed, bring both boys to the second week of August. The two of them started going on small wholesome dates. Mostly they went to parks and cafes, occasionally to beaches.

Lani was happy to see his brother happy with the blonde. But she realized she sort of bothered the two when they were oblivious as fuck.

Wilbur was happy for them. And he thought to himself that it was 'meant to 'bee'' with a snicker after he knew what was going on between the two. But it truly was meant to be. Tommy was also glad to see them happy. But it made him a third wheel when they called on discord or met up.

Out of all the people, Ranboo and Tubbo themselves were glad. More than glad. Ranboo was was free from hiding his desperate feelings for the other, always telling himself that the brunette never would like him the same way.
Tubbo was the happiest he's ever been, being with his beloved. Good thing the meetup happened, otherwise he'd never of ended up like this. The blonde was his everything, and losing him would be losing all his happiness.
The same went for the taller. Holding the brunette was like holding the world.

So days and days went by, the blonde stressing himself out. Ranboo wanted to ask the smaller to be his boyfriend, but he was scared that he'll get rejected or told not yet. So that's how big man Tommy ended up in the Tubbo household.


"Ranboo! How're you?" Tommy asked his dear tall friend.

"Not so good.." the taller scratched his neck. It was true that he wasn't doing that good.

"I've heard you need help with erm," he glanced sideways at Tubbo, who stood talking to Wilbur on the phone, "things."

"Yep," the taller said with a sigh.

"Shall we go to your room for privacy?" Tommy asked.

"Maybe outside. Who knows if Tubs will eavesdrop on us."

The British laughed his earthly laugh, and pulled Ranboo to the backyard.

When they were comfortable on the soft grass, the taller started explaining the situation to the younger.

"Ohhh, i see. So you need help to ask bee boy to be your boyfriend," Tommy said more to himself.

Ranboo hummed a yes.

"Okay, now let me explain. I've had many experiences with woman before."


"Okay, so.."


After some explaining and preventing Ranboo to panic..
Two hours later..

Tubbo was laying on the couch, while Ranboo and Tommy were talking on the floor. Well mostly Tommy talking and Ranboo listening. The taller would occasionally share some own ideas and thoughts, but other than that, he stayed silent.

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