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6:14 AM

Jackson spends half of the night catering to my every whim and then some. Things I couldn't conjure in my wildest dreams or deepest desires happen and by the time we finally fall asleep underneath a blanket of stars, I am sated. More than that, I'm whole. It's the strangest feeling--mostly because I didn't realize a piece of me was missing until Jax. As if I walked around blind and incomplete and now the shadows have gone, replaced by indescribable technicolor.

The Xavier situation weighs heavily in the back of my mind but I try to push it away. Near as I can figure, if Xavier had wanted more, he's had ten years to say so. I can't help but think his sudden delusions of wanting me, if that's what they even are, stem from false pretences. Jackson hit the nail on the head when he pointed out that X isn't used to sharing my time and this is how he's dealing with it.

The sun peaks across the horizon far too early for my liking. I slip my hand across the lines of Jackson's chest and rouse him from his sleep.

His eyelashes flutter before they sweep upward and I'm rewarded with a small smile far more breathtaking than the sunrise. "Morning, Angel."

I slide my fingers around his wrist and bring his watch to my line of sight. "Morning yourself. It's 6:20. I need to get ready for school."

Jackson stretches. "Ah yes, the academic institution which steals all of my time with you."

"Lately, you get more time with me than anyone else."

"Ha," he says. "If I had all day, every day, plus an extra hour, it still wouldn't be enough."

"You lay it on thick, Jackson Sunday, but I like it."

"Course you like it." His watch ladened wrist slips back underneath the covers, settling on my thigh. "I know lots of things you like, Lola."

I scurry out of his reach. "None of your devilish charms this morning Jax. I can't be late."

He rolls his eyes. "You and the late thing. A blessing and a curse."

I flip the corner of the blanket over and get to my feet before Jackson's hands convince me otherwise. "When I keep my scholarship and my GPA, we can both call it a blessing."

Jackson sits up slowly, bringing his hand up to rub sleep from his eyes. "Will you let me make you breakfast?"

"Can you make me breakfast in the time it takes me to shower?"

"A challenge," Jax says. "I'm always up for one of those."

He gathers the blanket, handing it to me before leaning down to swipe up the empty wine bottles and glasses, nodding toward the beach house. "After you, Einstein."

As I sashay to the walkway, I cast a glance over my shoulder to where Jackson follows dutifully behind. "That's Angel to you."

I have sand in unthinkable places. Unspeakable ones. How the hell is that even possible? We had blankets but somehow, tiny grains are wedged everywhere. I mean everywhere.

My resulting shower is a good fifteen minutes longer than normal and by the time I'm done, I braid my hair to the side, slip on some new clean clothes and head to the kitchen before my time is up. Make up is a luxury I do not have this morning.

Jackson sets a plate of scrambled eggs with English muffins in front of me, before turning and getting a coffee.

I pick up my fork and dig in. The dish is simple but delicious and I'm devouring it in no time.

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