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The smell of popcorn carries through the beach house, the scent so strong it slips through the crack of the bathroom door. I stand there, looking in the mirror. Stunned, in awe, and never happier.

I wash my hands and head toward the kitchen where I spot Jax holding a bowl in his hands, tossing the fluffy snack around to make sure it's adequately coated in butter. I watch him from the hallway, leaning against the wall for support because even after all this time—ten perfect years, he still manages to take my breath away.

He must feel me staring because he stops shaking the bowl and raises his eyes to meet mine. "You okay, Angel?"

I walk toward him. "I'm perfect. Just watching you is all."

His eyebrow, the one that used to be pierced, quirks itself toward the sky. "Yeah, you like what you see?"

I stand behind him and slip my arms around his waist. "I don't like it Jax, I love it."

He sets the bowl on the counter, puts his hands over mine and pulls them away enough to turn his body. Face to face with me.

We both know tonight is the night we're changing fate. Setting our own future. I am cheating death because tonight we are staying in to watch a movie. Xavier and Madeline are coming over. We're going to celebrate. Jax doesn't know it yet.

We could have gone to that museum opening, could have stared death in the face—maybe we would have even won. It's a silly, dangerous risk that neither one of us are willing to take.

Jax brings his hand up and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "You're so beautiful."

"I'm glad you think so."

"I don't have to think about it Angel, it's fact. Indisputible."

I smile. My stomach is alight, flickering with desire, love, hope for our future. "What about when I'm old?"

"I'll love you then."

"When my hair is silver, will you love me then?"

He kisses my nose. "I'll love you more."

"Even if my skin is papery and wrinkled?"

"Especially then."

God, this man in front of me is everything I never knew I wanted, needed. My heart races when he speaks like this and I want to close my eyes and savour this moment and every single one that is bound to follow.

"Let me get us some wine."

I shake my head. "No wine for me."

"Are you sick? Are you okay?"

I wrap his arms around the small of my back and let him hold me for a beat. "I'm fine, I promise. Jax?"


"What if my belly was full of stretch marks, will you love me then?"

"I'd worship you," he says.

I smile and slide his hands from my lower back around to my tummy. "Are you sure about that?"

"Never been more sure of anything."Then, it clicks. The grin slips from Jackson's face and his eyes spark like wildfire. "Angel, is there something you want to tell me?"

I nod. "I'm pregnant."

For the second time in my life, I see tears well in Jackson's eyes. His hands cup the sides of my face. "Are you for real, right now?"

"I'm as real as it gets Jax, so real, it hurts."

He blinks and the tears fall. His mouth is on mine in an instant, his kiss demanding. He pulls away but only for a moment and kisses me a second time. "I didn't think I'd ever be able to find you more beautiful than I already did," he whispers. "You've proved me wrong."

I place my hand on my belly again, rubbing a slow, gentle circle. "We have proved you wrong."

Jax beams and crouches down. His hand softly lifts the fabric of my t-shirt, revealing the soft, unmarred skin underneath. His other hands slips into the waistband of my jeans, which surely won't fit for too long and he pulls, tugging me so my body is closer to his.

He places his lips there, softly kissing my skin. I can't help it, I still melt every time he touches me and I look over at the clock on the stove before I close my eyes, and lean against the counter for support.

"It's time for another tattoo," I tell him. "It's 8:24 PM in case you're wondering."

He rises to his feet and envelops me in his arms. "8:24 PM," he echoes. "Did I ever tell you that's my favorite time of day?"

I slip my fingers through his hair. "It's Sunday. Did I ever tell you that's my favorite day of the week?"

He hugs me tighter and I know we've done it. We've defied the odds, we've changed everything. Like Jax used to say so long ago—we are unparalleled together—now, ten years from now, forever. 

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