Part 1 - Trip?

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It was a bright sunday morning, Priya had got up early and finished her chores, while Ram lazily rolled on their bed, waiting for Priya to come with breakfast. Few minutes later Priya came with hot hot parathas and 2 orange juices. Ram intoxicated by the smell jumped up and like a kid and smiled widely. Priya startled by his behaviour slowly kept the tray on the table. They had settled on the couch. He was munching and giving out weird noices to show how much he was enjoying them and priya just shook her head, chuckling at his antics. "Mr. kapoor, did they call, it has been so long?" She asked, "No. I guess they must be busy enjoying." He replied nonchalantly busy with the delicious food. " Did you call them?" She asked trying not to sound rude. "I did, Mom said they were travelling to a nearby place so she'd call later but I guess she must have forgotten." he said in the same tone as before. Priya was irritated by his reply, " Mr. kapoor, can I ask you something?" She asked, he finally looked at her keeping the paratha down, signalled her to ask. " Why didn't you go? for real, and don't you dare give me 'I have to work or I have office' excuse uh, you have been at home for the past one week?" she knew the reason but wanted to hear it from him. Hearing her, he remembered what happened...


He had booked 7 tickets to Thailand, he wanted some spend time with his family by taking them on a Vacation. He was excited because Priya will be there too,yes, she will complain about the cost and what not, but at least he wouldn't be alone. After a very long time, he had joined them for dinner surprising everyone. Shivina was staying with them as Akki had a shoot. "So guys, I have booked tickets to Thailand" he started, but was rudely cut off by Shivi and Shubhu, "Really?! Omg.. finally a vacation after such a long time, yayyy!!!! When?" Ram grinning seeing his baby sister cheery, " Day after tomorrow, so pack everything you need okay." Priya saw Ram's phone, ' so all of us.. wow... My first vacation with mr. Kapoor. I have never travelled abroad. Now if i accept they'll think i am using his money and if i deny he will be disappointed. I have heard Thailand's quite amazing, maybe I'll go with him, after i am the only one to give him company, sigh, for all he does for his family...' she thought. Nandini's words brought Priya back, "Ram this a good idea, Vacation is just what we needed. And Shubhu has also been working a lot, he'll relax now. its good that you'll stay and and help in his business till he comes back." Ram looked at her palely, he was excited to be with his family, he as used to the rejection but this time it hurt him ten folds more, because he was more excited to be with Priya. "Haan mom, you guys enjoy." He said masking his broken heart as usual. He went to his room and no one seemed to be bothered, Priya was angry but she couldn't show. So left quietly too. She saw him sitting on their bed staring into nothingness. Priya felt bad for him. She never liked how he was treated. Of course she is not going to go now. " Mr. kapoor , Thailand and all, so expensive and you know me, I don't like such expensive stuff." She said sitting on her side, Ram didnt say anything, she knew the two out of the seven was for them. But still decided to ask, " who are those seven for?", Ram looked at her with a weak smile. " Mom, shivi, shubhu , mamma, mammi , you and ,akki... I have to work anyways so it's fine." He lied, she knew. They both called it a night, with a disappointed Priya because he lied and a dejected Ram.


"What do you mean Priya? You remember what Mom told na, I have look after shubhu's business after all I am his brother. And Even you didnt go, and I didn't want you to be alone here." He said burying this thoughts, " Well, at least I will speak the truth, I didn't go because you didn't. I'll be bored na, and here with you, it's nice." She said with a small smile, Ram looked at her with adoration, he quickly changed the topic, " it's my chance to ask you now." He said the excitement back in his voice, "chance?" He nooded his head, " What do you think about kids?" Priya stared at him horrified. Did he want kids now? And all of a sudden? Where did this come from? Ram laughed at her expression, " Calm down, I am not asking for one. I just wanna know your opinion" Priya calmed down a bit, " Mr. Kapoor aap bhi na, ekdham se dara hi diya mujhe. Well, now that you asked. I love kids, they are so cute and also they have a pure soul." She said, she has never thought of having kids, but the question made her wonder for more. " Hmm... I know if we ever have , I will spoil them badly but you will there to give them a reality check and I am damn sure ki agar beta ho tho woh tumhara chumcha hoga, mumma's boy" he said , Priya chuckled hearing him. " Mr. Kapoor, that may happen, but if we have a daughter, she'll be your princess, and yeah I will be kind of strict when it comes you spoiling them, but at last she will be daddy's little girl" Ram smiled thinking how wonderful would that be. That's when it hit them, they had just talked about having kids, a topic they thought will never arise. " Would you ever consider adoption? Adopting a baby?" He asked, she looked at him and smiled, " of course, I would love to make a child's life better, it is however pity that we can't do that for all, but helping one life is better than nothing but why did you ask?" Ram shrugged and replied. " Oh, it's just that I have always wanted to adopt one. Give him or her a better life, but I didn't back then because I was alone, now that I have you, I would like to, not now, but someday." Priya wanted kids too, she wanted to give them love regardless of their gender, and she knew Ram will also be the same. Their devoid of love will make them give love even more. Priya nodded her head. Ram was happy that even she felt the same way. " Thank you for agreeing with me. We will love that the child no matter what, support their decision, guide them. I will make sure he or she will never be left out, will always have us to lean on., Will never feel that they are indebted but love us truly. I will never make our child feel what I have felt all these years alone, being the stepson." Priya looked at him, sighed, finally he let out his inner feelings .

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