I've got you under my skin

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[Scene: Quake. Phoebe's walking through the crowd.]

Phoebe: Oops, sorry.
(She walks over to Piper with Peter.)
Piper: I'm going to kill him.
Peter: Who?
Piper: Chef Moore. He, of the phony accent, hires me and then quits to open his new place. Thank you very much.
Phoebe: I don't see any customers complaining.
Piper: Hello, I am not a restaurant tour. I'm a chef. I have no idea what I am doing. Are you wearing my dress?
(Brittany comes up to them.)
Phoebe: Hey, Brittany. Ooh, I love that tattoo.
Brittany: Thanks.
Peter: I thought it was illegal to get them on your hand because of the veins.
Brittany: In the States, yeah. I got it done in Tahiti. (She hands Piper some money.) Keep the change, Piper. I gotta jam.

Piper: Okay, say hi to Max.

Brittany: Bye.

Piper: (to a waitress) Table nine please. (Phoebe sees a guy and has a premonition.) Now, back to my dress.

Phoebe: Okay, see that poster boy to your left? (Piper , & Payton looks at him.) Just glance, don't be obvious.

Peter: I don't approve, who is he?

Phoebe: His name is Alec and he's about to come over and ask if he could by me a martini.

Peter: How do you know?

Phoebe: Let's just say I saw the age old problem of who approaches who. I had a little premonition.
Piper: What?  Phoebe, you are not supposed to use your powers, we agreed.

Phoebe: No, you, Peter and Prue agreed. I abstained. Besides, it's not like I can control it, it just popped into my head.

Piper: That's the whole point. None of us can control our powers. That's what scares me. I could panic and freeze the entire restaurant.
Peter: And I could set anything on fire, water, or make them go in the air.
Phoebe: Shh, here he comes.

(Alec walks over to Phoebe.)
Alec: I was just sitting over there wondering if I could buy you a martini or something.

Phoebe: Martini, hmm, imagine that. I would love one. It's Alec, right?

Alec: Yeah, how'd you know my name?

Phoebe: Wild guess. Do you wanna grab a table?

Alec: Yeah.

Piper: (to Phoebe) Prue is gonna be pissed.

Phoebe: News flash. Stop worrying, you'll get wrinkles.

[Cut to outside. Brittany walks to her car. She gets in. She adjusts her rear vision mirror. She sees someone sitting in the back seat and she screams.]

[Scene: Andy's apartment. Andy is asleep in his bed. Prue's there sneaking around and putting her clothes on. Andy makes a noise and rolls over. His alarm clock beeps and she uses her power to throw it out the window. Prue leaves. Andy wakes up.]
Andy: Prue?

Opening Credits

[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Piper's watching TV and whisking some eggs. Prue comes in.]

Prue: Morning.

Piper: Morning.

Prue: What are you watching?

Piper: Nothing. (She turns off the TV.) Just a show.

Prue: About witches? Are you worried we're gonna be burnt at the stake?

Piper: Yeah, right. By the way, Andy called.

Prue: When?

Piper: While you were in the shower. Bad date?

Prue: No. No, no. Not at all. It was great. You know, dinner, movie, sex.

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