Something Wicca This Way Comes

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[Scene: Serena Fredrick's apartment. She puts down a bowl of food for her cat. (Later known as Kit.)]

Serena Fredrick: Come on, baby. Good girl. (She walks over to her altar and lights the candles with just a touch of her finger. You see someone standing outside her window. She starts saying a spell.) Ancient one of the earth so deep, master of moon and sun. I shield you in my wiccan way, here in my circle round, asking you to protect this space, and offer your sun force down. (Someone walks up behind her. She turns around.) What are you doing here? (The man pulls out a knife and plunges it into her stomach.)

[Scene: Halliwell manor. Piper walks through the front door.]

Piper: Prue, Peter?
Prue, & Peter: In here, working on the chandelier.

Piper: Sorry I'm late.

Prue: What else is new? Piper, I would have been here to meet the electrician myself but you know I can't leave the museum until six. I didn't even have time to change.
Peter: And I did gradeing history papers.

Piper: I just didn't realise how long I was in Chinatown. Did Jeremy call?

Peter: No, but he had some roses and a package delivered. What were you doing in Chinatown? I thought that you had an interview in North Beach.

Piper: I did but I went to Young Lee market after my interview to get the ingredients for my audition recipe tomorrow.

Prue: So, that wolfgang-puck knock-off didn't hire you then?

Piper: No, but this just may get me the job.

Prue: Jeremy sent you port?

Piper: The ultimate ingredient for my recipe. Oh my God, I don't believe it. Tell me that's not our old spirit board?

Prue: Yeah, Peter found it in the basement when he was looking for the circuit tester.

Piper: (Reading the inscription on the back) "To my three beautiful girls, and handsome boy . May this give you the light to find the shadows. The power of four will set you free. Love, Mom." We never did figure out what this inscription meant.

Prue: Well, maybe we should send it to Phoebe. That girl is so in the dark, maybe a little light will help.

Peter: You're always so hard on her.

Prue: Peter, the girl has no vision, no sense of the future.

Piper: I really think Phoebe's coming around.

Prue: Well, as long as she doesn't come around here I guess that's good news.

Opening Credits

[Scene: The witch's apartment. Police are there.]

Darryl: Well, it's about time.

Andy: I got here as soon as I heard. Another dead female, right? Mid to late twenties.

Darryl: I've been paging you for over an hour, Trudeau, where have you been?

Andy: Checking out a lead.

Darryl: What lead?

Andy: One that didn't go anywhere.

Darryl: You're avoiding my question.

Andy: Because you don't want to know that I went to an occult shop.

Darryl: You hate me don't you? You wanna see me suffer.

Andy: I wanna solve these murders. Someone's after witches.

Darryl: Women.

Andy: That woman up there, I bet she was killed with an athame.

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