The Castillo Sisters

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Giselle's POV:
Life is very depressing. Especially when you have strict parents who criticize you everyday of every minute. Also when you are different from everyone at school. Everyone has a certain stereotype so everyone has their own groups and friends that all act the same way, but if you look at my sister and me...we're always alone or different from everyone.

If I'm being honest, my sister isn't always alone. Angie's name is really Angelica, but she hates how proper it sounds so she likes to be called Angie. She's very popular in her grade and has people always around her. She is an extroverted, funny, kind, sarcastic, and a happy go lucky person. Almost everywhere you see her surrounded by people. Everyone loves her. I on the other hand have no friends. I walk to class alone and I know no one. At lunch I eat by myself and I never go out anywhere. The only person that talks to be is my sister.

Unlike everyone else, I love my sister. We are best friends. She never forgets about me and always has my back. She's invited me to hang with her friends many times, but me being my introverted self I never take the invite.

Personally I like but don't like being alone. Everyone at school sucks and I honestly don't care if I'm friends with any of them or not. I'm a very lonely person in general. I keep myself closed up from everyone. I wish I had friends but I cant trust anyone. What I really want is love....That's the only thing that would make my life less lonely.

Angie and I are complete opposites. She does gymnastics, is really smart, aggressive, skateboards, wears band tee shirts, is sarcastic, witty and loves rock music. I am a dancer, singer, artist, writer who is sensitive, gentle, introverted, lonely person who listens to acoustic love songs and wears cute girly clothing. We don't always get along but we usually make up in the end we can't stay mad at each other. We wouldn't survive a day without each other. Even tho my sister and I are very different, we love each other very much and would die for each other.

The thing about Angie, however, is the fact that she is a people pleaser. If people want her to act a certain way or do certain things to please people, she will. Nothing too extreme or stupid but if for example our mom wants her to do a certain sport, she'll do it to make our mother happy. Our mother is very strict. She has so many expectations set for us that we feel that need to meet every single one of them. It's mental and physically draining for the both of us. We are both straight A students and we are brother always active. Angie is more active than I am though.

I'm different. I'll fight back against my mom and tell her how I feel. I'm more expressive with my thoughts and emotions. If I don't want to do something, I'll more likely tell my mother no. My sister will just do what my mother says and ask no questions. I tell her to fight back once in awhile but she always says no. Angie hides her feelings too much to the point where I feel like one day she's just gonna pop. I've tried to help but she doesn't show any signs of weakness what so ever. The thing that saddens me the most is that she's my younger sister and she has matured and grown up faster than me. I too have matured in ways but not to the extent of my sister. I'm the oldest and it's my responsibility to take care of her but for some reason it always ends up the other way.

I was in my room putting on my shoes, getting ready to head to school and that's when Angie breaks down my door and...

*Back In Black intro blasts*

"Back in Black! I hit the sack! I've been too long, I'm glad to be back!" Angie sings at the stop of her lungs, holding her phone up in the air in her hand.

I laughed and shook my head down tying my last knot on my shoe. Angie continued to sing as I went to grab my backpack. As I walked towards the door where Angie was jamming out, I passed by and clicked the pause on her phone.

"I- did you just pause my music?!" She questioned me in a sarcastic offense.

"Yeah I did." I said walking out of the room.

"Oh hell nah! You did not just- that's illegal!" She yelled at me.

"You're illegal." I spat back going down the hallway.

"Pfft true." She laughed then ran after me.

Our parents were at work already so it was our job to get to school. We usually walked because I can't drive. Which is something my mom criticized me about all the time. She complains that I'm a senior in college that can't drive. Yeah I know! She doesn't have to remind me all the fricken time. It makes me feel bad about myself. It's not my fault that I'm scared. I know it's just a reason to try harder, which I do, but she is the worst teacher so I can never learn from her. I also have no motivation so I never really got to it. Which in fact I hate myself for but I'm already being punished for it.

Angie and I walked down the sidewalk of the street. She blasting AC/DC in her earphones and I walked down the sidewalk taking in nature and it's beautiful qualities. That's when a beautiful car drove past us and it caught the attention of both mine and my sister.

"Damnnnn that was a 1967 Chevrolet Impala!" Angie shouted. "That car was gorgeous! Whoever owns that is sure as hell one lucky damn person!"

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