Meet and Greets

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Giselle's POV:
     As Angie and I reached the school I was expecting everyone to come rushing towards Angie, taking her away to talk and hang out with her. Today was different. Everyone was surrounding a car that seems familiar. I looked at Angie in confusion and she just shrugged.

     All of Angie's friends saw us and that's when they began to scream "Hi" and telling her to come over. I was already starting to walk away, clutching my notebook in my arms, but Angie grabbed my backpack and dragged me Tesoro's the crowd of people with her.

     As we reached the crowd, Angie's best friend, Mia, comes up to us and pulls Angie through the crowds and over to the car. Since Angie still had her grip on me I was being dragged along with her until she lost grip and let go of me in the middle of the crowd. I was going to leave but I am still her big sister and I didn't know what her friends were going to make her do so I ended up staying and following behind a bit.

     I got in front of the crowds circle and in front of me stood that beautiful Impala we saw driving down the road on our way to school! It was so beautiful. I wanted to get closer, but my distance was good enough. I didn't want to draw attention to myself. That's when I looked at the side of the car and saw two boys standing beside the car. One was standing there confused, looking out to the crowd and the other was- He was talking to my sister?!

     "Deannnnn meet Angie Castillo! You guys seem to be like the same person! You two would totally get along!" Mia exclaimed as she pushed Angie towards, from what I heard, Dean. He smirked down at my sister and my sister just gave an awkward smile. Jokes on everyone because my sister rarely likes guys. She's focused more on her schooling and her gymnastics. In her words, "Being with a guy will just be a useless priority that will not get me anywhere in life. It's too much responsibility. Plus the guys I've met aren't even that cute. I'm picky with boys so they have to meet my standards."

     She wasn't wrong. The boys I've seen and met aren't the best looking or the best people. We both want guys that meet our standards. They have to be cute, funny, hard working, smart, loyal and charming. Boys here in this school suck. They just want to show off that they have girlfriends and then once they get attention, they'll throw them away. They aren't the guys for us.

     Mia and the rest of Angie's friends have been trying for years to get Angie with someone but every guys they introduce her to isn't it for Angie. I could tell that she wasn't into this Dean guy at all.

     I didn't know whether to help her or not. I didn't want to intervene so I just decided to leave. Before I left I looked over at the beautiful car once more, but as my eyes traveled up the car, I saw someone's arm leaning against the Impala door. I looked at the person and made eye contact with the other guy standing next to Dean.

     That's when that feeling I have longed for hit me...that feeling I have only seen in movies and read in books that make me believe in love! His eyes were a beautiful color of brown and in the sun, it would change to a bright and colorful hazel. I was staring and it was obvious. He wasn't looking away and it only made me stare harder. I left his eyes and I analyzed his face features. God...he was...beautiful....His hair was light brown and a little long, his face frame was nice and perfect and his lips...soft looking and kissable. He was so cute.

     Dean then yanked an arm around the guy and brought him in close and said, "Sammy here is the nerd out of the two of us."

     "It's just Sam." The guy said awkward and embarrassed. He softly grabbed Dean's arm and unwrapped it from around his neck. "Yeah sorry I'm not interested. You both look like rats. Bonus for you cause you have green eyes and a hot car." Angie said singling to Dean. She looked at Sam. "You're just ugly looking in general."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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