Loverhotline ~pt2~ (B)

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As you got out the door and locked it behind you decided you want to stop by a café to get a cup of coffee.
——————5 minutes later————
You've arrived at a café that just opend nearby you walked in and took your order and then you just had a wait until your coffee was ready.
——————Brandon's pov————
Eventually the boys woke up and we all got ready to go out and get some breakfast "Hey I heard of a cafe open up nearby want to go check it out" Danny said as they all walked out of the house "sure I'm down what about you guys but one question do they have banana muffins"(SeE i ReMeMbErEd) Arny said hoping to get his muffin " how am I supposed to know the café just opened up like not too long ago" Danny said in a confuse voice "OK let's just go to the café already I'm starving" I said holding my stomach of how hungry I was "yeah me too" William said as he was witnessing this the entire time "ok let go" Danny said walking to the car.
———————Y/N pov——————
I was waiting for a couple minutes until I heard my name called out "Order for Y/N" I walked up to the counter and grabbed my coffee " thank you have a good day" I said to the lady " no problem you too" the lady said back. I decided to just sit on one of the tables while I drink my coffee I was just scrolling on TikTok as usual until I saw a group of boys walking "holy shit this is not happening" I said in my head. I just decided to look back down on my phone and drink my coffee.
——————Danny's pov—————
We walked in and took our orders and sat down behind a girl that looked oddly familiar and then it clicked "Hey Brandon isn't that the girl that was on your fyp" I said trying to whisper to him he said still not knowing what to say until he said "how did you know you were asleep" he said shocked but also trying to whisper "as we were getting ready you left your phone on and you were on her account" " oh yeah I saw that too" William said " isn't her user name Loverhotline" Arny said trying to be included "yeah it is"Brandon said still a little bit shock BuT what they didn't know is that she Heard the conversation the entire time.

Word count: 421
Hi guys sorry I haven't been posting lately I've been pretty busy with school but I was going through my notifications and someone one little part two so I'm just like sure why not let's do it hope you guys had some  food and water and hope you have an amazing day/night

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