~ chapter XIII ~

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authors note: some things won't happen in exactly the same order it does canonically in the anime/manga just please keep that in mind. also wing won't be training cas on nen since he is already a nen user. cas will probably be practicing the techniques zeno taught him, and every once and a while fighting wing to get stronger. also tw rape. now into the chapter.

~ narrators pov ~

the early morning sun was shining through the cracked blinds casting a streak of light through the room over the two boys sharing the big bed. killua was sleeping heavily with half of the blankets on his body which was sprawled out looking like a starfish. while cas was tossing and turning, breathing heavily with sweat beads forming on his forehead. every once and a while he would mutter something that sounded like a plea in his sleep. he was kicking all the blankets off of him, when he shot up in bed finally escaping his nightmare. his breaths were unsteady and shaky. the shaken boy moved himself off of the bed and walked into the bathroom locking the door behind him. splashing water on his face, the flashes of scenes from his memory played over and over in his head almost on loop.

- flashback cas' pov -

i could almost feel her hot breath on my neck, her hands roaming my pale body. eris is straddled across my pelvis. i keep trying to push her off, but her grip on my wrists gets tighter as she starts moving her hips on me.

"stop, please." i am trying to plead with her to not do this.

"you agreed to this baby. why wouldn't you want this? i know deep down you do, i'll just have to get it out of you." she pulls down the waistband of my boxers exposing me to her.

"no. no, please." tears start to form in my eyes as she looks down at me grinning.

"just enjoy it baby. you agreed there's no getting out now." she's right, i did do this to myself. just take it cas stop being a baby. i look at the ceiling, my entire body just going slack trying to get her to get it over with.

- end flashback -

i slide down the bathroom wall staring at myself in the mirror. god, i'm disgusting. i drop my head into my hands letting tears roll down my face. those first few tears turn into a waterfall going down my cheeks falling to the floor. im sobbing over something i let happen, how pathetic is that? i'm so fucking weak. this is bullshit. suddenly i hear movement in the other room which i guess is killua. i stand up and dry my face, stealing my expression just before i hear a knock on the bathroom door.

"hey, you good in there?" killua softly asks.

"yea, i-i'm fine." shit why does my voice have to crack right there. damn it now he thinks i'm weak.

"are you sur-?"

"yes i'm fine! just go away, ok." i snap at him and hear him mutter a small 'ok' then his footsteps fade off. i slam my fist down on the counter before i unlock the door and walk out to head to my room. i don't even pause to say bye to killua, i just leave to go to my room.

i have now showered and changed into a brown jacket and black cargo pants. i'm just laying on my bed when a message on the tv in my room appears that says i have a match today at 12:15. right now it is 11: 45 so i start to head to the arena preparing for my fight.

~ narrators pov ~

meanwhile gon and killua are with the child from before and his master. the child's name is zushi and his master is wing. wing happens to be a powerful nen user who is teaching zushi the basics. gon and killua bow before wing asking if he will teach them how to use nen because they want to be able to get stronger. soon after, wing teaches them about their aura and tests them to see what type of nen user they are. killua is a transmutter while gon is an enhancer.

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