The PROMISE flashback

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'Who r they?' I ask myself as I see 7 boys talking to each other on the playground, they look about 1 yr older than me I would say about 8 or 7 yrs old, I didn't mind and went up to them "Hii!! Im Y/N nice to meet you.. all :)" i said "Annyeong-haseyo We are en" they said. After a few weeks of playing with them I had to go back to Japan since I only went to korea to meet my grandparents. Although I was sad I tried thinking of something, until it came to me to make a promise to them. I met them at the park all gloomy, "Dont worry I promise when I meet you all again I will... Actually I still haven't thought of that yet." I said "I have an IDEA When you meet us again you will marry us!" The youngest spoke "What does that mean?" I said since I dont know what he was talking abt He said "Nah dw u will find out when ur older and so" I nodded and said goodbye to them as I skipped to my grandparents place, they stopped me and gave me a bracelet to help them find me, and after a while eventually left..

This is the pretty bracelet

This is the pretty bracelet

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