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⋆ cassie presents ⋆


fem! oc x randy meeks

❛ i thought you were crazy! this is actually so great. ❜

!! kwvlsh 2022 !!


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▌000. ARDEN MYERS WAS OBSESSED WITH HORROR MOVIES. she only ever wanted to talk about them. she adored how well written they were. or how badly written they were. there was just something about the way horror worked that drew her in. the killers, the ghosts, the gore, the sadness, the fear, the great endings, the impossible beings that existed. in horror, anything could happen. almost, unpredictable.

▌001. ARDEN'S FAVORITE HORROR FILMS. no one actually knew her favorites. arden wasn't even sure she had favorites. but, she had to choose a select few she enjoyed slightly more. her 'favorites' were a nightmare on elm street, child's play, IT, texas chainsaw massacre, and killer klowns from outer space. basically all the classics. boy was she a slut for classic horror films.

▌002. ARDEN'S OLDER SISTER, VERITY. in arden's own words, "verity isn't as interesting or as cool as me, but i do love her." arden and verity were close. they just kind of grew apart as they got older. arden was into horror films and all things spooky. sure, verity enjoyed those things but she didn't love it as much. you see, verity has a secret. she's a lesbian, but no one knows. not even arden. she doesn't want anyone to know, or at least not quite yet.

▌003. ARDEN MYERS AND HER FRIEND GROUP. arden was friends with sidney, billy, stu, randy, and tatum. randy and arden were sorta out of place. sidney was with billy and tatum was with stu. so, it was 2 couples + arden & randy. billy and stu would always make jokes like, "just date each other! then it wouldn't be so awkward." in response, tatum would elbow stu. not in a 'i mean to hurt you way' but in a 'please shut up' way. tatum knew arden wasn't into randy. arden was into sidney and so was randy.

𝐈 𝐃𝐈𝐃 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐁𝐀𝐃 ─ randy meeks.Where stories live. Discover now