Chapter 15

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Chapter 15- Meet The Class of 1-A

Chapter 15- Meet The Class of 1-A

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"Please... help me find them... help me find my (Y/N)..."

"... Okay bud, I'll help you,"

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"


"I give him one job..." Aizawa grumbled, stalking over to where your door was. He requested Present Mic to wake you up, which in hind sight was a bad idea, but he had no one else in the building who would do it while he was in bed.

"Yamada, what's taking so lo-?" Aizawa opened the door, only to witness the scene in front of him.
"THIS IS NOT COOL, YO!!" Present Mic cried out, trying to pull the pillow away, and you were biting down for dear life.

The room was a mess, shelf broken, bed sheets thrown all over the room, desk upside down, furniture marked with scratches, and you were in your dragon form, in a corner while pulling the pillow.
"...Wow..." The pro hero mumbled, seeing the disaster with slight amusement.

"Shota!! Help me tame this beast!!" Mic pleaded, seemingly giving up and collapsed onto the floor, leaving you in victory and placing the pillow under you.
"Fury, stand down, and you will be able to see Midoriya again," Aizawa simply said, and you looked at him.

Sighing, you transformed back and dropped the pillow, stepping over Present Mic and flicking your tail.
"The room was too small, and banana was too loud," You commented, trying to discreetly kick away the broken mirror.

"Get use to it, kid. Now come on, I may be bandaged, but I could still drag you along," Aizawa remarked, motioned for you to follow.
'Do it for Zuku,' You sighed, and reluctantly followed the human.

"You're not registered as a student, so wearing a uniform won't be optional, but you'll be wearing different clothes to blend in a little more and don't attract anymore attention," You just hummed, not caring about anything the human was saying.

"Stay by Midoriya's side, and no usage of powers on anyone. You don't need to learn anything unless you want to," Aizawa continued on, and turned the corner, stopping at two doors.
"Right..." Aizawa looked at the boy and girl sign, before looking at you.

"What's your gender?" You just stared at him, before looking down at yourself.
"Uhhh... yes," You shrugged, before Aizawa grumbled and made you follow him to another door.
"Here's the teacher's bathroom, just go in there and change into these," He dumped a pile of clothes in your arms and pushed you inside the room.

"While you were unconscious, we measured your size, so they'll fit fine," You heard him shout and him walking away.
The events happened a little too quickly, and you collapsed on the floor out of the overwhelming events.

"The lights here hurts my head, and the Banana was getting on me nerves," You grumbled in frustration.
"Now I have to wear these... human clothes," You took in a sniff at them, and stuck your tongue out at the smell of laundry detergent.
"So... fake," You mumbled, before sucking it up and slowly took off your own clothes.

'Traditional to modern, let's see how I look,' You thought, pulling on the shirt and patting it down. You looked at your reflection, seeing the clothes you were wearing.
"Not my style, but it's fine," You simply said, before hearing the door knocked.

"You done?" Aizawa asked, and you opened the door to see him leaning against the wall.
"Great, now let's go, students are filing in," You continued to follow, and stopped at a giant door.
"Welcome yourself to the other classmates, gain their trust," And with that, he slid the door open for you.

'Yeah, sure,' You thought as you peaked inside, seeing a few humans in, sitting and talking amongst each other.
You took in their appearances, but none was the one you were looking for.
'So many, but I don't see-'

"(Y/N)!" Your ears twitched upward and you looked to see Izuku, with a big smile as he was talking to two other humans.
"Zuku..." You smiled, taking a step towards him, and for him to tackle hug you.

"It's been too long!" He beamed as you hugged back.
"Midoriya, it's only been 10 hours since the last time you saw them!" You heard a blue haired human said, moving his arms in a strange manner.

"Exactly," You piped up, letting go of the hug as Izuku scratched his neck sheepishly.
"So Deku, mind introduction for your dragon friend? You seem to know cool people!" A brown haired human appeared, along with a tall blue haired human.

"R-right!" He gulped and motioned to you for everyone in the class.
"This is (Y/N), (Y/N) Fury, my first dragon friend," Izuku shyly answered.
"Hi..." You mumbled, cautious on whether or not they would attack you.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Ochaco Uraraka," The brown haired human beamed at you, stretching out her hand, but you just stared at her.
"They're, still figuring out human things," Izuku helped you out.

"My name is Tenya Iida, it is an absolute honor on meeting an actual dragon, two species colliding with one another is quite an extraordinary experience for both of us!" The blue haired human swung his arm around, which made you bare your teeth, but Izuku reassured you it was just him being him.

Soon, more humans walked in, and they introduced themselves, there were even humans you didn't believe were actual humans from how they looked.
'Too much humans, overwhelming,' You thought, taking a step back.

"Bonjour mon ami, name is Yuga Aoyama, don't let these sparkles blind you from my winning face," A blonde with a glittering belt posed in front of you, and you immediately spread your wings, covering you body and hid behind Izuku.

"Too much... instincts are kicking in, and they won't like it," You whispered to him, and he got the message.
"Okay guys, you're scaring them, take these introductions slow!" He pleaded, instinctively covering you.

"Sorry for scaring you, (Y/N), but it's just that we never would have believed dragons were real, and how manly and awesome they are!" The red haired, Kirishima, beamed with a toothy grin.

"Yeah! What we saw at the USJ, that was incredible!" Mina clapped her hands cheerfully.
"The unknown transforms the minds of the ignorant, and we will be in humble debt," The bird hybrid, Tokoyami, gridded out.

'These humans... they are not attacking me, they're just... excited?' You thought, feeling calm around them now. Eventually after their questions, the classmates' attention shortened and they were in their seats talking amongst each other.

However, there was one human who did not speak to you, and it was the same human that was stuck with you in the sludge villain.
"Katsuki Bakugo, it's normal if he either ignores you or shouts at you," Uraraka pointed out.

"Oi!! I don't just shout at people!!" The boy snarled loudly, glaring at her, but she just ignored it.
"Why are you even talking about me?! You want to die?!" Bakugo hissed darkly as Iida was scolding him and Izuku was panicking.

"He's not serious, (Y/N)! Don't be scared of him!!" He pleaded, and you tilted your head.
"Why would I? He reminds me of my Uncle Hookfang, all scary and tough, but is insecure about his true emotions and self worth," You nonchalantly commented.

Izuku was horrified, and Bakugo felt his face heat up in anger.
"I'm going to have fun making you take back your words, Lizard Bastard," He darkly muttered, before sitting back down.

Izuku was a little shock that Bakugo didn't up and attack you, but then realized something.
'Kacchan was there when (Y/N) appeared showed their strength. He must have seen what they could do, and... respects them? Or maybe he's waiting for an opportunity to fight them and prove he's stronger,' Izuku gulped at that.

He watches as you were getting flustered at the many questions Mina and Hagakure were throwing out, and Iida and Uraraka was trying to calm them down. He knows how strong you are, how capable you are on protecting yourself, but something in his heart turned at the thought of you getting hurt by Bakugo.

'Don't worry (Y/N), I'll protect you, like how you protected me,'

A Dragon's Trust | Rewritten versionWhere stories live. Discover now