Prologue Alfred's going away

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In the heart of Gotham a small family owned dinner called Heartfelt dinner. It's considered a hidden gem in since not a lot of people know about it but it has some of the best food. And Alfred just so happen to know this fun fact. He became a regular rather quickly, so much so that he had become rather acquainted with the owners


The fronts door opened and hit the bell on top of the door. In came a man, late 60's, in a dashing suit

???: Welcome to Heartfelt dinner we - Alfred!

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???: Welcome to Heartfelt dinner we - Alfred!

Alfred: Hello Samuel

Samuel: It's good to see you again, have a seat we'll be there shortly

He walks up to one of the seats and sits down.


Just as he sat down the door busted open and boy ran through. He was of average height and build and carried a backpack but placed it down on a table nearby. This was (Y/N) Heartfelt, Samuel's son

(Y/N): Sorry I'm late, I missed the buss.

Samuel: Don't worry about it, just go serve Mister Pennyworth

(Y/N): Sure thing.

He puts on an apron and a hair net while walking towards Alfred. He pulls out a small notepad and pen as he arrived at Alfreds table and got ready to take his order

(Y/N): How can I help you mister Pennyworth?

Alfred: I would like a medium rare stake with a side of easy over eggs.

(Y/N): Sure thing mister Pennyworth.

He quickly goes into the back into the kitchen, passing by his dad whose crowded in papers. Once inside he hears his mom approaching him

Carrie: So what does he want?

The sound of wheels tuning could be heard as his mother approached.

(Y/N): Oh he wanted.... he wanted...

He couldn't bare to see his mom in that wheelchair. Her hair has fallen out, nearly, and was as thin as a sheet of paper. Her brittle state was a horrifying sight for (Y/N) to see.

(Y/N): He wanted the same thing as always.

Carrie: My specialty!!

She tries to get up from her chair and (Y/N) goes to stop her but she slaps his arms away.

Carrie: I'm not dead yet you buffoon.

(Y/N): Who the hell still says buffoon?!

Carrie: Your cool mom does.

She successfully gets up from her chair and walks to the grill/stove.

Carrie: I'll be damned if I die leaving our best customer unsatisfied!

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