Chapter 5: Field Day

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"Cyrus, check it out! You made the news!" said Donny, pointing to the TV. Cyrus had come downstairs the next morning to find Donny and Maria in his living room.

"No witness accounts have yet been confirmed of the strange events that took place last night," said the reporter on the TV, "and there is so far no clear explanation of the intent behind them. Regardless of the reasons, last night between 1 and 4 in the morning, thirty-two city maintenance requests were fulfilled without any record of a city employee addressing them, in addition to several boots being illegally removed from impounded vehicles. Whether this is a Good Samaritan with a welding torch or someone making a political statement remains to be seen."

Maria glared at him while sipping a mug of tea.

"You fixed thirty-two random things around town?" Donny snorted. He rubbed his eyes, laughing silently. "I mean, I've had crazy nights that ended in some mild vandalism, but this is next level. Hey, don't get me wrong, I think it's great! If Acryogen's not gonna do it, someone's gotta, right?"

"No confirmed witness accounts? That cop saw my face...I wonder why he wouldn't say anything," pondered Cyrus. He turned to Donny. "How long have you been here?"

"Just like, an hour." He took a slurp of cereal.

"You guys know where Adhara is?"

"Kitchen," Maria signed. "And remember—"

"I know, I know," Cyrus waved her off; "I'm under house arrest."

As he entered the kitchen Cyrus noticed a clarity that he couldn't immediately put his finger on. Adhara was standing at the sink, washing dishes. She turned, wiping her hands on a dishtowel.

"Good morning, Cyrus," she smiled.

"G-, uh...good morning, Adhara," he stammered. "Is it...did you...clean in here?"

"Yes," she replied as she filled a mug with hot water. Cyrus had never seen tea made so gracefully. She sat at the kitchen table and placed the tea in front of him.

"You...don't have to clean, you know," he said slowly, sitting beside her.

"Part of my directive is to assist you in any way possible,"

she answered. "I don't mind doing the dishes every now and then."

"You don't 'mind,' huh?" he smirked.

Adhara mirrored his smirk. "I am programmed to emulate personality, mannerisms, and figures of speech that make interaction easier."

"Your speech patterns have seemed less...stiff, lately," Cyrus mused as he sipped his tea. How had she known he loved lemon ginger?

"I adapt to my environment over time."

"It's funny you mention helping me," he said, finishing his tea. He stood to rinse the mug but Adhara took it from him. "Can you help me with my gauntlets?"

"What do you need?"

"It occurred to me last night," he explained as he led her upstairs, "you know when I was...fixing things, last night. The diamond should be able to produce enough power to arc weld if I modify the electrical output and the Lorentz field. I have it set up..." as they entered his workroom hepointed to the gauntlets, laying innocently on a steel table. "But I'm...scared. I think I insulated it properly, but if I didn't, it could, well, you know. Electrocute me to death."

"You want me to test them?" she asked.

"Could you?" he grimaced. "Does electricity hurt you?"

"Only extreme amounts," she replied, pulling on the gauntlets. "My electrical shielding can withstand a lightning strike, and your gauntlets are nowhere near as powerful." She pulled the backpack on. "Yet."

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