Chapter 4

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You made it a point to avoid your roommate as much as possible. You wait until they go out before leaving your room. Sometimes you feel like they would stand in front of your door for hours on end. You barely slept.

You felt to paranoid that they would burst into your room for whatever reason but they haven't yet. It was the third day of hiding from your roommate and they maybe left an hour or so ago. With your days of hiding you have actually started working on your project. You kept an eye on the news and noticed that more and more people have been going missing. You step into the living room and look around. No one is there so you decide to head to the kitchen. You notice that the majority of the food was still there. No one has touched it so that is weird. You decide to make yourself a small grilled cheese. You try and make it as quietly as you can. Despite the apartment being empty you still feel that you have eyes on you. You flip the sandwich and run it along the pan when you hear a knock coming from the front door. You tense up and slowly approach the door. You look through the peep hole to see James. You gasp and quickly open the door. "H-Hi James!" You exclaim. It was nice seeing a "friendly" face after all that has been going down.

"Uh Hi..." He says slowly. His voice sounds raspy. As if he hasn't used it in days. "Is ever-" You both begin at the same time. "What?" You ask and James shivers slightly. "Has everything been alright?" He asks. You were slightly shocked. He was never one to ask about your well being, let alone ask about you at all. "Yeah... Everything is alright... Kind of..." You say quietly and James nods. "What about you?" You ask. "How have you been?" You say leaning against the slightly opened door. "Fine... It's been fine." He says and you nod. This is the most you have ever interacted with him before. You wanted to draw it out as much as you can before you have to hide away from the world again. "Well Wh-" "Have you been using the flowers I gave you?" He asks swiftly. "What? Oh! Yes I have! The tea is really good!" You say as your face begins to heat up. You forgot that he actually got you flowers. It made your heart flutter just thinking about it. He nods. "Okay..." He shuffles back and forth on his feet before he sniffs the air. "Is something burning?" He asks and you gasp. "No! My grilled cheese!" You say rushing to the kitchen. "Please come in! I will be right back!" If your back wasn't turned you would see James looking around the frame of door before stepping inside hesitantly. He stays by the door with the door still open. He doesn't want to invade your space or make you uncomfortable. You look behind you and see that he is standing at the door. "Uh You can come and sit at the counter if you'd like. No need to be a stranger. We are on first name bases after all." You say as you take a knife from the drawer and begin scraping at the charred piece of bread in hopes of saving the food.

"So uh... What made you want to check on me?" You ask. James shuffles for a moment before responding. "You are the only person I interact with... And I uh..." You don't interrupt as you wait for him to finish his statement. "I look forward to your visits..." He says mumbling. You feel your face flush red. "I look forward to our visits as well! I was actually debating on going to the market and getting more plums for you!" You say with a smile. He is looking down as his face is also slightly red. "Thank you (Y/N)..." He says and he begins to look around the room. You take a bite of your grilled cheese and grimace. "So is there anything you would like me to make?" You ask as you scrape the sandwich into the trash. James is silent for a moment before saying. "Those Polish cookies?" You nod and smile. "Would you like to make them with me?" James nods slightly. "Is it okay if we don't do it today?" James says rubbing his gloved hands together. "Yeah don't worry about it." You say with a smile. "I need to get ingredients from the market. Is there a day that is good for you?" "I... I'll let you know..." He says quietly and you nod. "Is it okay if I use the bathroom?" He asks and you look at him confused. 'Isn't he just next door?' As if he read your mind he says. "I was going to leave after coming here..." He says and you nod. "Oh... Okay..." You say and begin to make a list of ingredients. After a few minutes you he comes out with his hand over his mouth and nose. "Everything okay?" You ask and he nods. "I am very sensitive to smells... I guess your perfume is very over powering..." You nod. "Oh sorry..." you say as you finish the list. "I got the list! So Just let me know!" You says 'This guy is kind of creeping me out...' You think to yourself. "Actually... Don't worry about it. I'm just going to head out." He says heading toward the door. "Oh okay. Have a good James!" You say with a nervous smile. He leaves after you say that gently shutting the door behind him.

It had been a few hours since James left and you decided to continue cooking some things before it all went bad. After you put everything in containers you decided that it would be best to take a shower. you grab your toiletries and head to the bathroom. As you do this you hear the apartment door open. You were sure you locked it so you just assumed it was your roommate. You undress and get into the shower. You were confused on what James was talking about. Did it smell over powering? Your perfume and things were kept in your room since the incident with your roommate so you don't know what it could possibly be. You sniff a bit and notice nothing but that may have been because the steam from the shower. As you continue you hear shuffling coming from your roommates room. It started to get unnerving so you ended your shower quickly. You wrapped a towel around yourself as you put your toiletries into a bag that you brought in with you. You open the door a poke your head out looking down the hall to see your roommates door open. You shiver slightly as you turn the other way and head to your room when you bump into something. More like someone. You gasp and look up to see a man with dark hair and brown eyes. He had dark stubble along his face and jaw. His skin is tan and his face has some scarring. "Who are you!" You scream backing away. He follows you as you are backing away from him. "I'm a friend... And you look delicious..." He says as he reaches for you. You let out another scream as he reaches for you again. You make a bee line for the kitchen and maybe grab a knife. You felt a hand clamp down on your shoulder only to be ripped away as a scream is torn from the mans lips. You grab a knife and turn around to see him cradling his hand.

"Brock! Leave her alone!" You hear your roommate yell. "But Candi-" "Hush Brock... We're leaving!" The man Brock looks you up and down again before shaking his hand and leaving. Your roommate looks over at you before leaving. You burst into tears as soon as the door shuts and drop the knife. You make your way to your room. You put on some underwear and a t-shirt before slamming, locking, and barricading your bedroom door closed. You rush over and make sure your window is closed and locked. Your breath is shaky as you climb into bed and hide under the covers in hopes that maybe you could sleep it off but you doubt it. You try and think about what happened. How did he get inside the apartment. You can only assume your roommate let him in. 'What was it he called them?' You think to yourself. 'Candice? They have never gone by that before...' You try and take deep breaths hoping that the tears would stop but all you could do was sob. You were alone in a foreign. A person you thought was your friend turns out to be very sketchy and possibly dangerous. The only person you can think of going to is James, but now you can't be sure he is just as creepy. 'He isn't weird... He wouldn't hurt me... Would he?' Suddenly you hear a knock at the front door. You let out a light screech. "(Y/N)? (Y/N)? It's James." You tense up. 'Should I let him in?' You decide to ignore him and burrow under the covers and that is the last thing you remember.

The Undead Kind Of Love (Vampire Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now