😈 Not So Pure 😈

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7 am hit, Pure Vanilla was starting to wake up. He yawns opening his eyes to see Dark Cacao peacefully sleeping holding him tightly in his arms. Pure Vanilla tries to get out of Cacao's grasp, but he just wouldn't let go. "I'm not your personal pillow." Vanilla giggles. "Mmm... But you are." Dark Cacao responds in a deep low voice. "Well, your Personal pillow wants to get up." Pure Vanilla once again tried to get up but Dark Cacao pulled him in tighter. "Just 5 more minutes... Please...?" He muttered. Pure Vanilla debated whether to say no or yes. "...okay. 5 more minutes." He says laying back down to get comfortable again... Until he heard a chuckle. "You're so Pure. Is that why it's in your name?" Dark Cacao said jokingly. Pure Vanilla turned a little red. "Can I not be?"

"You can. You're just so considerate. You don't cus, you apologize when you don't have to, you don't know how to say no, you don't even raise your voice. Unless you're alone with me of course. I just can't believe you could be... firm." Dark Cacao explained playing with Vanilla's hair. "...Well, that's because I want to be. I... I could be more firm if I want to. I just choose not to..." Pure Vanilla answers. "Oh really? I'll believe it when I see it." Dark Cacao laughs. "Oh, I'll show you." Pure Vanilla said before swooping under Cacao's arms and getting off the bed. "And how would you do that?" Dark Cacao sits up watching Pure Vanilla. "We're just gonna have to wait and see." Vanilla smirks walking into the bathroom. Cacao gets out of bed following Pure Vanilla. Both said nothing, Cacao shuts the door locking it. He then stands in front of the door blocking them inside.

Pure Vanilla notices this but ignores it continuing what he was doing by brushing his teeth and washing his face. When Pure Vanilla Finished brushing his teeth Dark Cacao wrapped his arms around Vanilla's waist. "Can you give me an idea?~" He asked. "By not giving you my affection. Now let go of me." Vanilla told him pushing his arms away. "What?! So no kisses?!" Cacao inquired in shock. "You don't get anything from me unless I say you can. Behave right and I just might consider." Pure Vanilla says cleaning his face. "What?!" Dark Cacao was even more shocked. "Now get out. I wanna take a shower." Vanilla unlocks the door and opens it pushing Cacao out. "Can I at least take a shower with you?" He begged. Pure Vanilla stares at him before closing the door and locking it, leaving his lover standing there. "Okay okay! I get it. I still need to brush my teeth." Dark Cacao waited for an answer. All he could hear is the shower running. "Fine, I'll go use the other bathroom." He muttered before leaving the room.

This continued all day long. Dark Cacao tried desperately to get Vanilla's attention but Vanilla never gave it. Eventually, it was now 9 pm.
(yeah, I did that big-ass time skip. Whatchu gonna about it?)

Dark Cacao comes into his and Vanilla's room. Pure vanilla was already laying down facing away from him. Cacao gets on the bed peeking over Vanilla to see if he was awake. "Vanilla?" He asked. "What do you want?" Pure Vanilla responds. "I want a kiss. I haven't gotten one all day." Cacao complains. "Wow really?" Vanilla says sarcastically. "Come on Nilla! Look I'm sorry about what I said today. I was just joking. This is also the time when we just have ourselves. Please!" Dark Cacao begged. Pure Vanilla giggles. He's never seen Dark Cacao like this before. Cacao was right though. It's been hard for them to be alone lately. This did seem like the perfect time. But Vanilla didn't want to stop. At first Pure Vanilla was gonna continue this all night until the next day, But he got an idea.

Pure Vanilla sits up facing Dark Cacao. "Fine, But you have to listen to me." He offered. "So I have to follow your every command? What about free play?" Cacao jokes. "Is that a no? Then goodnight." Before Pure Vanilla could lay back down, Dark Cacao spoke up. "Okay okay! I'll listen to you~" he says sarcastically, almost teasing. Pure Vanilla smiles. "Good." He said getting on Cacao's lap. Dark Cacao then tries to touch Pure Vanilla's waist, but he was pushed away. "I didn't say you could do that, did I?" Vanilla scolded. "My dearest apology your majesty. I just couldn't help myself." Cacao grinned mischievously. "The more you disobey, the less I give. Right now you do nothing until I say you can." Vanilla scolded Dark Cacao once more. His tone was a little more serious making Cacao finally actually agree. "Okaaayyy. I can see you're being serious. I'll listen~" Cacao submits. They both kept eye contact for 3 more seconds before Pure Vanilla smirks moving his hips side to side making Dark Cacao hard. "All you have to do is nothing until I say you can. The more you behave, the more I'll give~" Vanilla repeats adding extra information.

Dark Cacao nods. Pure Vanilla gets off Cacaos's lap. "Take off your shorts for me." Vanilla gives his first command. Cacao complies and takes off his shorts. Dark Cacao droped his shorts to the floor, His dick erect. Vanilla takes off his nightgown reviling his sweet body, making Dark Cacao stare. Sliding in-between Cacao's legs, Dark Cacao watches as Pure Vanilla starts to stroke his dick making him groan a little. "Ah.." Cacao lets out. Pure Vanilla keeps a slow and steady pace going a little faster every time he hears a sound from Dark Cacao. "Fuck.. Nilla..." Just as Cacao started that sentence Vanilla stops. "No cursing." He said. Vanilla rubs his thumb around Cacao's tip a little bit teasing him. "O-kay.." Cacao mumbles holding in his moans. Pure Vanilla then lays down on his stomach facing Dark Cacao's tough dough. He licks the tip a bit before wrapping his lips around it, swirling his tongue.

"Fu.. Mmhp!~" Cacao stops himself. Vanilla starts to take Cacao more, bobbing his head and going deeper. Dark Cacao throws his head back resisting the urge to grab Vanilla's hair or thrust his hips. He instead grips the covers gritting his teeth almost drooling from the pleasure. "N-nilla.. I can't hold it..?" Dark Cacao's legs switch a little. Pure Vanilla lets go of Cacao's cock taking a second to breathe. "Not yet." He said sitting up. "You've done so well so far." Vanilla scoots up to Cacao's lap reaching his hand down to move Dark Cacao's Member to his entrance. His face 4 inches away from his. "Don't you still want to kiss me?~ Don't you still wanna touch me?~" Pure Vanilla asked rubbing the side of Cacao's face. "I would love that~" Dark Cacao responded. Pure Vanilla smirks and slowly pushes himself down into Dark Cacao's shaft making it halfway before dropping himself and taking it all. "Mfph!~" Pure Vanilla moans. Dark Cacao released a grunt.

Vanilla swirls his hips a bit. "G-go ahead and touch me~ I give you permission~" he said. Dark Cacao starts to rub Vanilla's sides feeling his soft skin. "There you go~ Just let me know when you're close~" Pure Vanilla starts to gradually move up and down. Dark Cacao thrusts his hips a bit making Vanilla stop. "I didn't give you consent to do that. Should I stop already?" Pure Vanilla threatens. "Sorry, It just felt so good~" Dark Cacao confessed. "If you want more, just say it~" Vanilla waits for an answer. Dark Cacao thought about it for a second. "I would like a little more~" he answered. "Do you think you deserve it?~" Pure Vanilla lifts Dark Cacao's chin as if he was gonna kiss him. "If you really want more, beg for it~"

Dark Cacao smiles, Pure Vanilla was gonna be the only person to see him like this. "Can I please get a little more?~ I promise I've been a good boy~" He begged. Pure Vanilla was shocked a little. He didn't actually expect Dark Cacao to beg. "Okay then~" Vanilla said before leaning forward not to kiss Cacao on the lips, but instead kissing his neck. He starts to move up and down a little faster biting Dark Cacao's neck. "Hahh!~" Dark Cacao yelled. "You like that don't you?~" Vanilla whispered before biting on another spot. "Y-yeah~" Cacao replied lowering his voice. "Good~" Vanilla keeps nibbling on Dark Cacao's neck going a little faster. "Ahh~ N-nilla~ I'm close~" Dark Cacao announced. "You've been such a good boy Cao~ go ahead and let it all out~" Just as Pure Vanilla gave permission, he felt Dark Cacao's arms wrapped around his waist. Dark Cacao starts to thrust in and out of Vanilla. "Y-yes!~" Pure Vanilla cried out. Dark Cacao thrust a few more times before cumming into Vanilla. "Gahh!~" Vanilla moaned feeling Dark Cacao's Cream shoot inside him. Dark Cacao's grip loosens as he starts to breathe heavily.

Pure Vanilla looks at Dark Cacao and lifts his face to look at him. "All you wanted was a kiss right?" Vanilla then kisses Cacao passionately, Dark Cacao kissing Back. "There, you got one." Pure Vanilla said before removing himself sitting beside Dark Cacao. Dark Cacao smiled. "Well then, I take back what I said this morning." He confessed. Vanilla gets under the cover laying down facing away from Cacao again. "Good." Is all he said. Dark Cacao also gets under the cover. "Permission to cuddle you my Love?~" he asked. "Permission granted Darling~" Vanilla accepted. Dark Cacao wraps his arms around Pure Vanilla's waist to spoon him. They both fell asleep, Knowing there was another side of Pure Vanilla.


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