The Night

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Chapter 1 

The Night

The night was cold as Echo slowly made her way towards the black BMW R1100s that she now owned. Echo thought driving a motorcycle suitably fit her personality well. As an effect of her parents death, Echo had received lots of money and everything they owned as a result of their will left behind. A friend of her parents took her in as a child when her parents died, and looked after her until she was old enough to decide what she wanted to do. She was 18 now and had decided that selling the house was best since it was too painful to look at now and the memories of her past haunted her at every glance.

Echo swiftly hopped onto the bike feeling the cold metal against her legs and took a tight grip on the handles. She started it up while slipping on her helmet and heading towards her destination at a speed of 90mph.

Her shoes crunched onto the dry gravel of the filthy parking lot of the club she was going to go into. As she approached the door, the bouncer gave her a nod and let her through while shushing the line of people who protested. She came here often and had made quite good friends with the well-built man who ushered her in and he let her in every time she came here (which was often) even though she was only 18. As she walked through the smells of alcohol, cigarettes, sweat and food filled her nose. And she made her way through the crowd of people swiftly to the bar where she almost always spotted a vampire that she would make pay for that night.

She could feel the curious stares of several men on her as she plotted herself into her usual seat and greeted Danny the bartender for tonight. The stares, she knew were not only because of her inhuman beauty, but also from her sliver eyes that caught in the light. She slowly scanned the crowd and settled on a man. He was muscular (as all vampires were) and had hair almost as black as hers. She got up and slowly made her way towards him. His eyes slowly caught her movement and watched her make her way through the crowd.

"Hey there." She said in a dry voice. Think, Echo thought to herself, what's wrong with you? You need to try harder than that if you want to lure him somewhere...  

His eyes appraised her and made their way over her body. 

"Hey there sexy." He said in a deep voice. "You find what you're looking for?"  

"Indeed." She replied flirtatiously and curled her finger urging him to follow her.

She walked in long strides towards the door and pushed it open easily. She needed to focus now, just because she was half vampire did not mean she had advantages over full vampires. Sure it made her faster, stronger, more agile, and faster healing than normal humans, but she still had disadvantage towards full vampires. One small mistake could mean the end of her. She made her way towards the darkest area of the parking lot and slowly made a note of just where she kept her sword.

She looked back and smiled at him playfully. "And just what is your name?" She asked.

"Ben." He responded again in his deep voice while his arms wound around her tiny waist. She despised the feel of him on her as she always hated this part, but she knew he would soon be dead. She turned around and ran her hands up and down his chest; then she reached behind her and slowly pulled a small sword from underneath her leather jacket, that would expand when she swung it.

Her sword was her highest possession she owned, it was specially made for her and was sharper than anything she knew. It's handle was dark red with a red ruby implanted in it. There were severally ways she knew of to kill a vampire, but she preferred the beheading. Some may disagree but she found it less messy and making less of a scene than burning or staking them. 'Oh we'll.' she guessed she could say it was not the most brutal way but still allowed her to have some satisfaction.

She held her sword in her right hand and backed away.  

"Wha-" he started to say. But she would never know what he was going to say because, she raised her sword and the familiar sound of the metal expanding was heard. And in an instant his head fell to the floor with a loud thump and squashing sound.

She looked around cautiously surveying her surroundings as she always did as a precaution and her eyes found the figure of a man at the end of the parking lot. There was little light so she could not make out his features but she could see that he was looking right at her and she definitely saw the slow smile that spread across his face. 

Shit. She thought.

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