~*Chapter 7*~

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They stumble out of the car together, Louis feeling completely legless as he stands on the gravel outside of Harry's doorway. It strikes him that he's never actually set foot in Harry's Vegas house before, it's exactly how he would imagine it from the outside though, white and expensive looking, lots of glass.

Harry waves a thanks to the driver before fumbling in his pocket for the house keys. Neither of them speak as Harry fiddles with the door, both caught up in the anticipation of what might happen once they get inside. Louis finds himself wondering if they would still have wound up in this position had him and Harry been completely sober the whole time. He bats the thought away, of course they would. This isn't a drunken hook up, this isn't some one time encounter they're going to regret in the morning. It's not.

Harry gets the door open and Louis steps into the house on auto-pilot. As soon as Harry's got the door shut behind him he feels the weight of his bulky body hoisting him up and pressing him against it. Louis lets his head fall back against the door frame, wrapping his legs around Harry's waist and gripping onto his shoulders. It's hardly comparable but Louis can't help but remember the first time he wrapped his legs around Harry like this, on the X-Factor stage on national television. Although this time it involves a little more heavy breathing and definitely more erections.

"M'gonna hurt your back." Louis breathes into Harry's ear as Harry gets to work peppering his neck with kisses.

"Worth it," Harry mumbles, hoisting him further up and snaking his hands underneath Louis, resting them on the bottom of his ass to support his weight.

Louis lets out a gentle moan when Harry brings their bodies closer and Louis' clothed cock bumps against Harry's stomach. When he realises there's no reason to be quiet anymore, he lets out a louder one. It must get Harry going because he connects their lips again, licking straight into Louis' mouth. Louis digs his fingernails into Harry's shoulders, spurring him on.

When they break apart, Harry looks him in the eye before squeezing his ass with both palms. "Bedroom?"

Louis just nods erratically, God, fuck yes. Harry's going to take him to bed. Louis goes to unhook his legs from around Harry's waist and drop himself to the floor, but Harry holds them there.

"I'll carry you."

Louis can't help but let out a giggle at that, "That's a bit of a rom-com cliche isn't it?" Harry pouts at him before extending his tongue and licking his nose. Louis squirms, giggling back at him and wiping his nose.

"Love a good cliche, me." Harry responds, lifting him up from against the door so that Louis' completely in his hold.

"C'mon then, get me to bed." Louis winks before kissing away whatever it was Harry was going to say next. They stay there for a few moments, kissing. Louis thinks this might be a problem for them in the future, spending all their time getting distracted by each other. There's worse things to worry about.

Eventually, Louis feels Harry move underneath him, walking forwards slow towards the stairs. Stairs. Louis wasn't expecting stairs. He's very aware that the two of them are still definitely tipsy and the thought of Harry trying to drunkenly carry him up a flight of stairs is more terrifying than sexy.

"You never mentioned stairs." Louis points out, gripping on to Harry.

"It's okay, I'm very steady on my feet." Harry proclaims, putting a foot on the first step. Louis scoffs at that, a new born baby giraffe would be more steady on their feet.

"Harold, if you drop me, or trip down the stairs, just know I have a team of excellent lawyers that won't hesitate to sue."

Harry giggles, walking as slow as he can manage, carefully placing one foot in front of the other with such concentration Louis cant help but press kisses to the crease it causes in his forehead.

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