~*Chapter 10*~

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"Camping?" Louis asks, exasperated tone. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah!" Harry whines, "I've got all everything we need."

"We've got all that stuff to do tomorrow though, we've got that bloody meeting with Sony." Louis sighs, propping himself up against the back of the bed.

Harry's on his knees in the centre, long tousles of hair falling over his bare chest. "We can get back in plenty of time for that." Harry flutters his eyelashes at Louis, pout on his lips. "C'mon, Lou, it'll be fun."

At times, it's easy to forget Harry's still so young, that he's the baby of the band. When he's got his game face on, charming and charismatic, commanding a room. When he's carrying a chorus on stage in front of thousands or walking a red carpet with his head held high. When he's like this though, carefree and slightly naive about the restraints they have holding them down, it's clear to see, almost refreshing.

"Alright." Louis gives in, Harry dropping his mouth open into a wide smile. "We can go camping."

Harry lurches forward, cupping Louis' face and placing a hard kiss upon his lips. "I'll even put the tent up all by myself."

Louis laughs, rolling his eyes and pinching Harry's nipple. "Fuck off, team work is important in a relationship."

He feels himself wince a bit after he says it, the words leaving his mouth without him thinking about them first. It's the first time either of them has used the term "relationship" and Louis doesn't know if it's too soon.

Harry just nods back though, corners of his lips tucked up into a smirk. "Dream team."

"Dream team." Louis repeats, a flush of affection rushing over him. They'd always called themselves that, back in the day. When they'd pair up on FIFA or pitch together to pull pranks on the others, bouncing off each others energy and winding everybody up apart from themselves.

Louis has missed Harry, that much is a given. He's missed every part of what they used to share together, the friendship that was so unique and unlike any other. It feels incredible to know that not only does he have that back, but he now has a whole new dynamic on top of it to explore. Being in love with your best friend, Louis thinks, that's something special.

"Where were you thinking of camping then?" Louis asks, sitting up against the headboard, eye level with Harry.

"I know a place, it's not too far away." Harry says, unlocking his phone and typing something in frantically. "It's a bit, um... unofficial."

"Expand..." Louis presses, already enthralled.

"I mean it's not technically a camping site. S'basically just a bit of woods. But it's nice, like really nice." He flips his phone over to Louis, showing him the screen. "It's right by here." He says, pointing his index finger at a unidentified segment of wooded land on Google Maps. "There's a lake and everything."

Louis squints, holding Harry's wrist and bringing the phone in closer to get a good look. "You sure it's like...safe?"

Harry nods. "Mhm, definitely. Do you know Xander?"

Louis shakes his head, "You might have mentioned him, I don't know..." He trails off.

"Right, well," Harry continues, locking his phone, "He lives near, I know him through Jeff and he told me about the place. He goes camping there all the time with his boyfriend when they want to get away."

Louis raises his eyebrows, "Didn't realise you're mates with the cast of Brokeback Mountain."

"Funny." Harry says, folding his arms. "I'm serious, they go all the time and he says it's really romantic and fun. You want romance don't you?"

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