-part 3-

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So um.. part 3 will be very random.. because I ran out of idea and what to say, so if you guys have any requests on what should happen in part 4 PLEASE for the love of GRASS tell me!! I feel little like it's getting boring cause nothing interesting is happening!!
I'll stop waisting your time! BYE<3

"So, do you want anything signed or?" Aaron said, I could tell he was nervous, but very good at hiding it. "Um, I sadly didn't bring anything.. but I was wondering if I-I could.. get your number.?" I said, god I could feel my hand getting sweatier by the second!! (Relatable)

"Oh, sure. Robaire, hand me the paper and pen please." Aaron took the paper and pen from robaire and wrote down his number. I looked at the girls and smiled big. I heard them giggle "here ya go" Aaron handed me the folded paper, and I stuffed it in my pocket. "Thank you a-Aaron.." I said smiling. My heart was racing rn-

"Need anything else?" Aaron said giving robaire the pen back. "Well um.." I look at everyone, they were all doing there own thing. Talking, getting stuff signed. "Are we aloud to hug..?" (BRO I GOT SECOND HAND EMBARRASSED RIGHTING THAT IM SO SORRY-) on the inside, I was ready to smack myself. why would I ask that?! "Well, I mean sure? Why not?" Aaron said, wrapping his arms around me. My lips were super close to his..

I wrap my arms around his torso, and smile. "Thank you" I said. "For what?" Oh boy, he does not know how long I have waited for this.. "um.. nothing sorry-." I hear him chuckle and he pulls away from the hug, I back up a little and look him in the eyes.

God his eyes are so pretty.. his light brown eyes have me drooling.. they way he sings is just, (😫) he makes me want to scream.. (plz don't take this dirty-💀) UGHHH HES SO FUCKING HOT?!!!

I snap out of my day dreaming (well this has most definitely happened before) by Abby slapping the shit out of my face! "ABBY WHAT THE HELL?!" I scream looking at her. "Bro what do you expect me to do?! YOU ARE STARING AT AARON Z LIKE HES YOUR WHOLE LIFE?! LIKE HE JUST KISSED YOU 103829293729 TIMES YOU SIMP!!" Abby yells, while the other 3 laughs there ass off. "Ugh whatEVER!!" (😡) "hey, I don't remember letting you guys in?" A deep voice says from behind us. "Um.." Miriam says, slowly turning around. We were met face to face with a tall muscular man. Oh shit we are DONE FOR!!

"You let us in!" Mei said, trying to find a way out of this. "Yea!" Abby added. "Do you not remember?" Priya scoffed, rolling her eyes, she always makes everything realistic. I think? "No I didn't. You guys better get out before I do I-." I cut him off "LOOK SOMEONE IT TRYING TO GET IN!!" I scream on the top of my lungs, point to the um touched door. "WHAT?!" The guy spins around quickly. I grab everyone and push them through the back way out.

-after they got out of the place-

we made it out the back door and we all took a HUGE deep breath. It.was.CROWDED. Abby starts laughing which makes Mei and Miriam start laughing, Priya starts chuckling, and I start laughing to. "THE WAY HE TURNED AROUND IS KILLING ME RN" Abby said trying to catch her breath. "BRO FOR REAL, WHY DOES HE TURN LIKE THAT?!" I say laughing super hard, I think imma piss myself- (Ykw I'm not sorry about this one🤦🏽‍♀️)

-after calming down-

After our laughing fit, we all agreed to have a sleepover at Abby's house. Her parents were out for business trip so her aunt stays their. But Abby said she always leaves at night and comes back in the morning so we will be fine. "Come on guys it's getting late, we should head to Abby's now" Priya said, looking at her phone. "Ok! Let's go!" Mei said, we all began walking their, laughing at talking about how much fun we had!

-at Abby's-

"Guys.. guess what!" Miriam said with a smirk on her face. "What?" We said, I'm very confused Right now- Miriam reaches into her Large bag and pulls out 5 blankets.. WITH ALL THR 4 TOWN MEMBERS ON IT?! "I stole this on our way out. I just couldn't help myself!!" She said nervously. "MIRIAM?! OMG I LOVE THEM!!" Mei said looking at all the blankets. Out of the corner of my eye I saw an Aaron z blanket. yes. I push Abby and grab the blankets. "NO FUCKING WAY? DIBS DIBS THIS IS MINE." I say jumping up and down with the cover.

They all laugh at the way I freaked out. Who do you think they are?! Laughing at me. Now that I think about It. They have been all day!!! (😡)  "not gonna lie, I'm super tired." Mei said yawning and stretching. "What time is it?" I asked. "2:38 (am)" Priya said, grabbing her blankets and wrapping it around her. "Oh wow, we should probably go to bed, y'all don't mind sleeping in the same bed right?" Abby said, looking at all of us, we all said we don't mind.

-in the bedroom-

When we walked into the bedroom it was very... Abby?

 (That's the room)

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(That's the room)

"Wow! It's so pretty!!" Mei said plopping down on the bed, I throw myself on the bed, and stretching. "I want to sleep right here." I said laying the the edge of the bed. "Oh ok-." Abby said getting on the other side.

-after everyone picks a place in the bed-

"Alright good night y'all I'm turning off the lamp now" Abby said covering up with the blanket, and reaching for the light "good night!" We all said getting comfortable in our spots.

- after everyone wakes up-
(Priya was the first to wake up/Abby woke up next the they both went to the kitchen/Mei woke up shortly after and walked in their to/ Miriam woke up right after to the sound of the door shutting and watched TikTok/ I woke up to the sound of her tiktok)

"Mmmgg" I groaned, rolling over to face Miriam. "Good morning sleepy head" Miriam said, putting down her phone and sitting up. "Shut up.." I mumbled into the pillow slowly forcing my self to sit up. "Hey would you be down to go to the store today? When you fell asleep last night we all talked about going to the store, we were gonna ask you but you were sleeping so comfortably we didn't want to wake you up" Miriam said, standing up and stretching. "Sure why not?" I said getting up and stretching as well.

We both walked into the kitchen to where the others were. "Good morning guys!" Mei said. She was sitting at the table with Priya and Abby. "Hey guys!" Miriam sat down at the table and I followed. "We still going to the store today?" Mei asked, taking a drink of her drink. "Oh yea! Tyler said he is going with us so yea-." I look at Abby who was cooking something.

Something's telling me we need to go to the store not and not later?..

Ohhh myyy godddd when I tell you my hands HURT i am not lying😭 also why do you think Tyler feels like they should go now?

Oh yea add my discord if you want!!:

(I will be adding everyone back!)

1280 words!

Anyways bye bye<33

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