< part 4 >

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A few people requested Tyler and Aaron z meeting in the store, so I guess that's what's happening in this chapter! Enjoyyyy!!<33☺️

Abby places a plate in front of me, it was full of food. But I wasn't really hungry, my stomach is twisting, telling me to go now..

"Mm, Abby this is so good!!" Mei said stuffing her mouth with bacon. "Yea, I never knew you were good at cooking." Priya added, also shoving food in her mouth. "Guys, I feel like we should go to the store now!" Miriam said, standing up from the table. "Yea, i think we should to" I answered, also standing up from the table. "Oh ok!"

-after putting the shoes on-
(They already changed, sorry I'm lazy🥲)

We walk out of the house and lock the door. "Abby you sure you have the second house key right?" Mei said, glaring at Abby. "Yesss!! I have told you this a million times!!" Abby says, pushing Mei a little. "Guys stop stalling!! Let's go!" Miriam says, pulling all of us away from the front door.

-at the store-

As we walk into the store a group of girls run out of the store screaming in a happy way? Weirdos. "Anyways- we all agree that we should spilt up right?" Abby said ripping a huge list into 4 pieces. "Yea" Priya says, taking part of the shopping list.

After the others take a piece, I take mine. "alright team, let's split up!" Mei says, waving goodbye ad running off.

When the other left, I slowly walked off my own way. As I was walking I look down at my list. "Hm.. ice cream. Ok so I gotta go to the very back" I mumbled to myself, walking off to the frozen foods.

-after getting half of his list-

"Ok.. next is-." I get cut off by bumping into someone, oh my god are you serious! "Watch where your going!!" I say pulling myself off the ground. "Um sorry? Jeez don't have to be so rude." A familiar voice says from the floor.. wait..

I look down at who bumped into, and it was none other than.. Aaron z. Of course it was Aaron z.- wait.. AARON Z? HOLY SHIT I JUST YELLED AT AARON Z?! "Oh my god.." I said ", my face turning a strawberry pink. "Wh- oh! I remember you" Aaron said, picking himself up off the floor, and dusting off his shirt. "Also I never got your name" he said looking back at me. "Oh.. it's Tyler.." I mumbled, fidgeting with my hands. "Tyler, fits you perfectly." He said, laughing a little. UGH MY HEART, THIS IS TO MUCH!! (😍😖) "so Tyler, what are you here for?" Aaron said.

"Oh, I'm just buying stuff for a sleepover.." I said picking up the shopping list off the floor. "Oooh! Me and my friends were gonna go to a amusement park.. ifff you guys wanna tag along?" Aaron said, grabbing a picture of the amusement park. WAS HE REALLY ASKING ME TO GO WITH HIM?!

"Oh! Seems fun.. sure!!" I said excitedly. My FAVORITE band singer just asked me to go to a amusement park with him!! It's basically a date at this point. (I feel you Tyler😭🤜🏽) "good, wanna meet outside after your finished?" He said, stuffing the paper back in his pockets. "Yea, I only have half a list left now so it shouldn't be long" I say, looking down at the list and back up at him. "Alr, cya cutie"

Did he just-.. OMFG- HE DID NOT?! (😱)  he didn't even- UGHH!!

-after getting the shopping done and meeting up with the rest of the group-

"GUYS GUYS!!" I scream running towards the girls. They turn and wave at me. "GUYS GUESS WHAT!!"  I said jumping up and down. "What?! WHAT?!" Abby said trying to make me stop jumping around, I just can't HE LITERALLY ASKED US TO GO- nvm i already said it 30983 times. (We know Tyler. We know.) "AARON Z INVITED ALL OF US TO GO TO AN AMUSEMENT PARK WITH THE WHOLE BAND!!!" I screamed, still jumping around, but you can't blame me.

"WAIT REALLY?! OMGGG!!!" Mei yelled jumping up and down with me. Soon enough everyone joined in. I guess they can't blame me either (🤷🏽‍♀️)

-after the huge freak out session and paying for our groceries-

We all walk out still talking about how excited we are to go to the amusement park! I LITERALLY CANT W- "yooo, Tyler!" I hear someone yell, I turn my head to see the whole 4*town band!! "oh.my.GOD" Abby screamed gripping my arm.

They all walk up to us and start talking to us. "So, have y'all thought about coming with us?" Robaire says, looking at all of us. "Um, obviously we're going?! Who could miss out on this big of an opportunity?!!" Miriam yells, throwing her hands around. "YEAAA!!" Abby says jumping around, still hold my ARM!! (😡) "GET OFF MY ARM JUMPING LIKE THAT!!" I scream pushing her off my arm.

"Whatever IDIOT!!" She yells, slapping my arm. (His arm rn:😫) "anywaysss.." Mei says looking away from us and back at robaire. "Yes of course we will!" Mei says smiling. "Great!" Tae says smiling as well. "That guy just took our cart." Priya says, pointing be hind us. "WHAT?!" Abby yells, quickly run after the guy who took our cart. "OH HELL NO. I PAID FOR HALF OF THAT!!" I screamed chasing after both of them, I ain't about to watch 150$ go down the drain like that, plus, my ice cream is in that!!

^ no one's POV for this part ^

"Uh.. should we follow them?" Aaron T says awkwardly. "Nope, they got it." Miriam answer shrugging, tae looks at her like she's crazy. "What do you mean??" "Abby can punch hard and Tyler's teeth and sharper than you think, so he bites very hard." Mei says pointing towards where they went.

-after.. whatever that was-

^ Tyler's POV again ^

Yup, we got everything back safely and no one was harmed. (*wink wink nudge nudge*😉)

So imma end it here.. so it took so long to update🤦🏽‍♀️  also sorry this chapter was VERY bad! I didn't really put any time into it, I just went along with what was going on in my head- but next chapter will be when they go to the amusement park!
(Maybe they will become official in this chapter?😏)


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