step two: don't keep his number

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step two: don't keep his number (because you will be tempted to contact him)


"Tea? Better than coffee? That has to be the single most unintelligent thing anyone has ever said."

"Okay...but it's true," He smirked. I wouldn't hesitate to slap the smirk clean off his face, but he's famous so he'd probably press charges on me or something. Not to mention Abigail will never forgive me for "harming her idol".

"Said no one. Ever."

"Says a lot of people actually. What do you think Abi? Tea or coffee?" Ed asks my best friend sitting across from us. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what she's going to say.

"Tea, of course. Tea is amazing !" she nods eagerly and I literally face palm at how she's acting around him. Abigail has never drank an ounce of tea in her life.

"Two against one, Tay Tay." And there's that god forsaken smirk again that annoys the hell out of me.

"Of course she's gonna agree with you," I scoff. "And don't call me "Tay Tay", you don't know me like that," I grumble, turning to properly look at his face for the first time since we got here. He's shamelessly staring at me with this look that confuses me, but has me blushing nonetheless.

I quickly look away and spark interest in the cup of cold coffee in front of me. It was silent now, and that made me uncomfortable so I opened my mouth to tell Abigail that we should leave but,

"I guess I'll go now," Ed cleared this throat and smiled shyly at me then got up to give Abigail a hug and a kiss on the cheek that had her face utterly red. And for some reason, it made me upset because why didn't he kiss my cheek? Not that I want him to, but still.

"Bye Tay...lor," He sighed, giving me a side hug and not so subtly placing a slip of paper next to me. This guy.


I had to turn my phone off for the remainder of that day because Abigail felt the need to tell the whole world about how we met the one and only Ed Sheeran ! Insert eye-roll emoji. My notifications were going crazy and the only reason I dared to turn my phone back on was because I got bored.

The small slip of paper that Ed conspicuously placed beside me at the coffee shop a few days ago sat a few feet away from me, and (surprise, surprise) it had Ed's number on it. It's been sitting inside my drawer this whole time while I figured out what I should do with it.

Should I put it online for everyone to see ? I mean, after all he did give a complete stranger his phone number. Or should I throw it away ? No way was I actually going to call him...

Or I could just be honest with myself and say that I do wanna call him, just because I'm curious. Yeah, I'll do that.

Hopefully it's not one of those fan lines. Ew. I've never liked talking over the phone so I opt to send him a text instead.

To: Ed.

» Hey. It's me, Taylor...

What else can I say ?
Not even a minute later, I get a reply:

« wow. i was sure you'd throw my number away :)

» I was about to, actually. I just wanted to know why you gave it to me in the first place.

« because i wanted to talk to you more

» Well, duh. Why would you want to talk to a stranger you met in a coffee shoppe ?

« cause you seemed cool, so i thought we could be friends

» I was literally giving you the cold shoulder. How is that 'cool' ?

« lol it's cool cause you wouldn't treat me differently because i'm "famous"

» Who said I wanted to be your friend, though ?

« you don't have to if you don't want to..

I didn't mean to sound mean, but do I want to ? I'm feeling a little uneasy about all of this.

» ... I guess we can be "friends"

« yay :)

» Don't you have some sap songs to write or something ?

« no. but now i know you listen to my music

» More like forced to listen to it.

« no one tied you down to a chair and forced you to listen to my shit 😂

» You don't know that.

« lol wowww... btw, what do you think of it ?

» Of what?

« my music


» Don't tell Abi but, I like it. Like, a lot..

« :)


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