step five: don't play video games with him

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step five: don't play video games with him (if he asks, say both of your thumbs are broken)


"I never imagined you as the video game type," Ed says while skimming the large variety of video games me and Abi keep in the living room.

"Well I'm not. Pretty much all of these are Abi's. She works for this video game company downtown." He nods.

"So what are we playing ?" He asks, glancing up from his squatting position next to the television.

"Um.. I'm not all that good at video games."

"No biggie, we'll play Crash Team Racing."

"I just said--"

"Racing games are made for people who suck at video games. It's simple, all you do is drive."

Well when you put it that way..

"Fine, give me a controller."


"Edward. Stop."

He's been throwing missiles at me the whole race. "All you do is drive", this is not driving. You don't throw things while you're driving.

"I'm just playing the game," He chuckled. I pout, feeling defeated, until I realize there's only one way I can beat him fair and square.

By cheating of course.

I subtly watch his hands, waiting for his grip to loosen on the controller. Then when he least expects it..

"Taylor!" I sNATCHed the controller from his hands and threw it across the room. He groans loudly and scrambles to retrieve the controller. I laugh as I finally pass his racer and speed towards the finish line. Ed comes back to confetti adorning the screen and my racer taking a victory lap. Finally.

"Whyyy would you do that ?" Ed crosses his arms, pouting like a baby. I shrug. "Chill out, you act like you didn't win the last four rounds we played."

"You didn't have to cheat, though," He grumbles.

"But it's funny when you're angry," I laugh. He straight-faces me and that just makes me laugh even harder. I can tell he's holding back a smile but eventually he gives up and giggles along with me.

"I hate you," Ed says, shaking his head.

"Nooo you don't," I taunt him, leaning into his face. He just stares at me and I watch his eyes scan my face. Then his cheeks start turning a faint pink colour. Oh god, is this rat really blushing ?

"No, I don't," He smiles, mushing my face away from him.

Okay. Ed is really cute.


"What are you doing this weekend ?"
Ed was now laid out on my couch as i leaned over the back of it.

"I dunno, what are you doing this weekend ?"

"I think I might stay here, actually. It's fun. And I'm not lonely." Does he really get lonely ? That's not possible.

"You're famous, you could have any of your celebrity friends over your house whenever you feel like it."

"My 'celebrity friends' have much more important things to do than chill at my house," Ed says with a wave of his hand.

"Well, what if Abigail comes back before you leave ? What will I tell her ?"

"I mean if she knows we've been talking all this time then it shouldn't be a big deal, right ?" He asks, looking up at me with a raised eyebrow.
I bite my lip because no. She doesn't know that. She has no idea. And Ed clearly seems to realize that cause his eyes go wide and he sits up straighter on the couch cushion.

"Oh-ho-ho, you fucked up."

"Shut up," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Taylor. How could you not mention to your best friend that you've been texting, like, her favourite artist ever ??"

"I... I don't know! I guess I was scared she'd be mad at me for having your number. 'Cause I'm not even a huge fan, and she loves you so much. It would make her feel bad."

"She's gonna feel like shit now," Ed mumbles. I smack the back of his head and he flinches away from me, rubbing away the pain.

"Look. Just act like it was a surprise. Like I wanted to meet her again, so you invited me over and voilà. Ed Sheeran's at your house." That seems pretty unrealistic to me, but Abigail would most likely believe it. She has a wild imagination.

"I hate lying to her, though."

"Technically, you already did," Ed shrugs. And I just roll my eyes cause he's making me feel even worse. Asshole.

"I'm sorry. It'll be alright, she'll understand," He says while rubbing my back soothingly. I nod, hoping that either Abigail never finds out Ed was here, or that Ed is a good liar.

"I guess you can stay.."


How To [Not] Fall In Love With Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now