The Meeting

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??: Lily it's already 10 am wake up, wake up Lily it's me

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??: Lily it's already 10 am wake up, wake up Lily it's me......Lily.... Lilyyy...

Lily: Huh..? mmm..(yawn^^) let me sleep some more time mom.... wait....who are you?... and                  what are you doing in my room??

??: It's me Lily, don't you remember me??

Lily: Umm.. I'm sorry but who are you? I don't remember you... 

??: My name is Cindy and you know me it's just that you don't remember me... but you will and I         want you to remember it yourself....

Lily: What if it's not true... maybe you are lying?? Or you can also be a fraud right.....

Cindy: Neither I'm lying nor I am a fraud I can prove it to you.... but I can show u only one                                picture.. And you should believe me..... Do you agree??

Lily: Ok fine, show me...

Cindy: Here...

Lily: No way

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Lily: No way.... who are you...? I don't remember taking a picture with u..

Cindy: I knew it that you won't believe me.... So I will give you one more proof but this one is the                last one..... okay?

Lily: Ok deal!

Cindy: Once you wake up I want you to ask your Dad about me... and if he says he doesn't know                 me I want you to go to xxxxxx place and ask about me you will get answers.... Now I'll                         meet you tomorrow.... Byeee Lily..

Lily: Wait what do you mean by tomorrow we can go and ask now head..                            (headache and passed out..)

          [ Woke up from her sleep...]


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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