3 Days

29 1 0

A/n: I've made this so I can see a friend of mine suffer, enjoy :)
~Story includes~
Grammatical issues
Cringe, Alot of cringe.

Gunmaster continues to tie up S.C with gorilla glue, after successfully doing so, He knocks him out, S.W. then drags the unconscious boy into an interrogation room. R.E. Was there who was attempting to eat some rope, she notices that her fellow 'friend' had arrived, though next to him was some random unconscious person. "Woah Gunmaster, Who's that?" R.E. asked, "Someone." Gunmaster responded nonchalantly, R.E. shrugged before resuming to what she was previously doing, but then stops when she saw the gorilla glue rope, "Gunmaster..." R.E said, looking at the gorilla glue rope in fascination, Gunmaster hums in response, "Can I eat the gorilla glue rope?" R.E. asked, "No" Gunmaster responded, "Why not?" R.E. complained, she was sad that she couldn't eat the gorilla glue rope, it looked delicious in her perspective, Gunmaster gave her a glare making her huff, "Whatever" she muttered,
Minutes later, the unconscious boy wakes up and light was shined into his eyes, "Hey!" He said trying to look away, "Yo" He heard someone next to him, only to see it was C.S., "Crack Sovereign!? Why are you here" he asked, "Because I can" she shrugged, "Stop with the chit chat." Gunmaster said sternly, "Fine whatever" C.S. responded, "You do know you tied yourself up" S.C. said, "why's that?" Gun master asked, "Its because I'm your fucking kneecaps." S.C. said, "And I'm your life" Gunmaster said back, "But he doesn't have a life" C.S asks, "Shut up, you, I am your life, so if I die, you die." Gunmaster said before taking out a gun and placing it next to his head. "wait, what!? Don't! I don't have ghost privileges anymore!" He said, ofcourse S.C. was easily tricked, Gunmaster smirked at his stupidity, "Should I pull the trigger or?" He said, "NO! STOP! I'LL DO ANYTHING"S.C pleaded, "You can't do shit! your just my 'ankles'" he said, "Shit... I'm screwed" S.C. muttered, Stealer of Corpses shut his eyes and waited for him to shoot, only to hear a loud laugh coming from him, "w-what?" S.C. muttered, "your a pathetic idiot" gunmaster said, "what.. Give me my body!" S.C shouted, "shut up, your near my ear, your gonna make me deaf!" C.S said, "Now what are you laughing about?" C.S. asked, "He thought he could do something to save himself, but failed, if I weren't so merciful he would've died." Gun master said, "Pathetic" he said, his tone darkened, sending shivers down Stealer of Corpse's back, He takes out a piece of cloth and cleans the gun, "R.E. I need to go, watch over them and I'll give you gorilla glue rope" GunMaster smiled, she nodded before sitting down on the table and starring into the souls of both Stealer of Corpses and Crack Sovereign, "Hi" Crack Sovereign said, "Hello!" R.E. greeted back, the two had a conversation making S.C feel left out,

-with GunMaster-
GunMaster arrives into his humble abode and gets greeted by his brother, "Missed me already?" GunMaster smirked, his little brother nodded, "Can we play Bedwars? Pleaase?" his brother asked, "Ofcourse, just let me take care of something first" GunMaster told him, "Okay" he responded before walking away, He takes out his phone and checked the cameras installed in the room, in case they escape. He saw that Crack Sovereign was having a conversation with R.E. "I guess R.E. made a new friend" he muttered before putting his phone back into his pocket, he walked to where his brother was and played bedwars with him it was quads, "Someone Defend the bed." He ordered, his teammates cooperated. They were doing well until Something interrupted GunMaster's concentration, voices. "Shut up I'm trying to play with my brother." He muttered, the voices follow his orders, "Did you say something?" His brother asked, "Oh? Nothing" He said, After an hour or so, Gunmaster gets tired, "Sorry brother but I need to sleep, I'm tired" He muttered, letting out a soft yawn, "Oh... Ok! sleep well" he said before waving, he turns off his pc and goes to his bed, he sets his alarm clock and goes to bed,
-at 3am-
Gunmaster wakes up panting, "What the..." he muttered, "Another nightmare, it's the same one every single night.." he said, "what time is it anyways?" He wondered, checking clock on his phone,
-3:02 AM-
"Tch, I'm going back to sleep." He said, he hoped he'd get a dreamless sleep, which was granted to him, he woke up again, he checked the time and saw it was 4. he groaned and goes back to sleep, he woke up again because of the weird statements coming from Stealer of Corpses, "I WAS YOUR BED! YOUR ASS SMELLS LIKE SHIT! ALSO YOU HAD A BONER AT 2 AM! AND- AND- I WANNA BECOME A GAMING PC! TAKE ME TO A PC STORE" S.C. pleaded, "He's deranged." He said to himself, he turns on the mic and shouts "SHUT UP", making all three flinch, R.E., Stealer of Corpses and Crack Sovereign, "You can hear me!? Great! Grant my wishes prick!" He shouted, "If you don't shut up, I'll kill you." he threatened, making the deranged man go silent, Gun master scans the phone to see that R.E. was in the corner... Eating rope? I mean, her name IS Rope Eater after all, Gun master seemed to be tired still so he lays down and sleeps, he was awoken again by a noise, "Damn thats a big one" he heard the deranged man said, "What.." he said with his raspy voice, "You woke up with a big ass boner" he said, "Just- shut up" he said before stretching his arms, "That happens more frequently eh, who're you thinking of?" He cooed, "Shut up you horny deranged fuck" Gun Master snarled, "Oooo being protective I see? ooOoOo" he said, 'I'm killing him, I swear, he's so annoying..' Gun master thought to himself, he looks at the time to see it was 6 am, "Fuck it, I'm starting my day whether I like it or not" he said, standing up and going to the kitchen and starts cooking pancakes for his brother and leaving it on the table master put on a coat and walked to his destination, he brang pancakes for his prisoners.
when arrived, he sat on the chair next to them, he took a bite of his pancake and munched on it, "How odd..." He muttered, C.S. looked at him confused, "It's more quiet then usual..." he said, C.S. shrugged, "Hey" Gun master said, The deranged man looked at him, "Do you want some?" He asked, gesturing at the pancakes, his eyes furrowed, "HEY I'M STUCK IN THE BEDROOM! LET ME BE YOUR KNEECAPS AGAIN!" he said, 'jeez...' he thought, R.E. walked towards Gun master and gestured for him to lean down, he followed and she whispered something, "He said he was a ghost last night.. I think? Not sure, he mentioned something afterwards but it was inaudible" she whispered, "Ok..?" He said, he stared at him cautiously, "I forgot you were a ghost, you can't exactly eat" He played along, "I'M YOUR BED! I DON'T EVEN HAVE GHOST PRIVILEGES ANYMORE!" he said, "god.. Shut up, Look, if you stay quiet I'll let you be my kneecaps again" he said, "Ok" he nodded, Gun master finally ate his pancakes in peace, after finishing he looks at him weirdly, he goes to his 2nd bed which was located in the same room as they were in, S.C followed behind, Gun master felt slightly uncomfortable but went with it, he got on his kneecaps ontop of the bed and saw that the deranged man... Slowly turned into- His floor? Gun master stared at him in confusion, then realized he shape shifted into the wrong thing, "You IMBECILE! YOU HAD ONE JOB!" he said, "I'M FUCKING FREE FROM YOUR GRASP!" S.C. celebrated, the floor now has eyes... "I'm gonna turn into the road!" he said excitedly, "you idiot, the floor is floor, and the road is road, besides you can't just teleport into the street!" he said, "oh shut up, let me have my moment, anyways. I'M FREE!" he said again, "the road is hundreds of miles away from here" he pointed out, "Well the road IS touching the floor" He said proudly, "anyways go to sleeeep" he said in some weird voice, "who needs sleep? besides its 8 AM" he asked, "wait, instead of the road, I should turn into your garden!" he exclaimed, "I'm not even gonna bother, well not for now, I'll catch you later. I need to finish my axie anyways" he muttered, He goes back to where R.E. and C.S was, he pulled out his phone and played his axie..? An hour and a half has passed and he finished, "Time to go hunting for a deranged man" he said, he saw eyes below him, "please don't" he begged, "I'll give you time to run, but... you have to turn human, and you have 10 seconds." Gun master said, "No! I need to tie up R.E.! she's high, and she called demon dog, lays! demon dog is not lays!" he said, "I don't care, If you don't play fairly then I'll shoot myself, I am your life remember?" Gun master smirked, "Fine!" he huffed before turning into human, "10" "Wait! unfair! give me time!" "9" "OK OK FINE!" S.C. runs away, far away from where gun master was,
"Fuck it" Gun master sped walked through the forest, soon reaching the road, "I can't identify him because of all the people here..." he muttered, then an idea popped into his head, he started going on a rampage, he shot everyone around him, one thought they successfully escaped and called the police, "Help! I need Help! A GUY IS KILLING PEOPLE- AND- AND- SEND HELP PLEA-" *insert gun shot noise* "How pathetic, calling the police on me? Tch, fucking snitch". Gun master then hears a ringing noise, he checks his phone to see an unknown number was calling, "What and Who are you." He asked, "Can I atleast see demon dog!" He heard S.C., "No, go cry about it" Gun master said, "mind telling me your location?" He asked, "No your mean, you wouldn't even let me visit demon dog!", Gun master let out a sigh, "I'll give you ghost privileges if you tell me" he said, "No way! I'm gathering sacrifi- I mean uh, people to feed demon dog with." He explained, "How about a deal? I have atleast 28 people here for your little sacrifice, in return, I get your location" Gun master explained, "Find me" he said, "fine, but. Does it like dead people?" Gun master asked, looking at the people he had shot, "Nope, it prefers the ones that are alive and well" he explained, "So, it like's live meat?" he asked, "yeah, I guess" S.C. shrugged. "And I've got the perfect one" He said, S.C. waited for the man to go on, "You" he continued, "No no, it would never eat me" he replied, Gun master rolled his eyes. "Oh by the way, don't go to the shining light from hell so you could enter demon dog's domain haaha-" S.C. explained, GunMaster blinked once, twice, he ended the calls. "Idiot told me his location, what an imbecile" gunmaster laughed to himself, "Oh S.C~ Where are you~?" he said while walking into the woods, he continued until he saw a light, he smirked and went in, but ofcourse he brang a gun of some sort. He saw that S.C. was closing the gate, GunMaster ran towards the portal before it had closed, "Looks cool" he complimented, he then heard shuffling from a nearby uh, lets say a bush that looks like its whithering, "I know where you are" He said, his eyes shifted at S.C's direction, 'Shit' S.C. thought to himself, he then somehow makes a portal and falls in, with style ofcourse, he then closed it before GunMaster could enter. "I'm safe right?" S.C. said to what he assumed was himself, "Boo" he heard someone say from behind, "wHAT!? I CLOSED THE PORTAL THOUGH" he exclaimed, "There was another portal not so far away" GunMaster shrugged, S.C. was just confused, "Anyways... Say bye~" he said before loading his gun, he pointed it at his head and was about to shoot him only to fail, S.C. had somehow teleported away (Dude I'm so confused, the fic is all over the place-)
"You coward" Gun master said, "Let me relearn stealing and I'll fight you" he told him, GunMaster wasn't near by though. "Yo" He heard him behind him, he tried to shoot the man only for him to disappear into thin air, "Fuck, STOP RUNNING AWAY!" Gun master exclaimed,
-With S.C-
"Demon dog, please give me powers, I'm getting hunted down!" S.C complained, the dog just stared at him, "Die" he heard someone, *insert totally real gun shot sound effect*
"Fuck man, I was talking with demon dog!" S.C. said while coughing off blood, "You made me waste my bullets" Gun master muttered, he checked the bullets in his gun only to see there was none, "That was enough bullets I guess" He said to himself, he stared at the deceased body of S.C., "I guess I get my kneecaps back" he told himself, "I guess I'm your kneecaps now" S.C. muttered, GunMaster was surprisingly not tired, he walked out of demon dog's place and reached the overworld, "Unless, this could all be a dream" S.C. said, "This isn't a dream, this is real." Gun master said, "You fool, I made you sleep hours ago!" He said, attempting to sound confident, "Thanks for the tip, but I'm not an idiot, you can't trick me" he said proudly, "How :(" S.C. got sad, "It's a low level illusion, shit like that won't work on me" He said, "Now lets go, your forced to come with me since your my kneecaps now." Gun master said, "Whatever, your still asleep anyways, this is all a dream" S.C. tried to trick him again, "I was never asleep you imbecile, do you think I'm some dumbass like you?" Gun master asked, "Low level illusion, that's what I needed you to saaay" S.C. complained, "Your low level illusion would never work on me" GunMaster said, "What's funny is that we can't escape this dream. Were stuck here forever, with no way to escape" S.C. rambled, "Wait are you being serious?" GunMaster asked, S.C. smiled creepily and nodded, "Oh well, see ya I guess" he said, before using a technique to escape his dream, shadow jumper. He turns into his shadow, exiting the dream in ease. When he arrived he saw S.C. "Your a fool, Now you die because of your idiotic decisions" Gun master said, "Your the fool here, while you were distracted I had planted an insane sleeping spell onto you." he smiled creepily,
(Lol this isn't finished yet, I need to wait)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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