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"I CANT BELIEVE WE HAVE 3 ONE DIRECTION TICKETS!!!" Diana exclaimed and screamed at the same time,"is this a dream?!?!"she said."NO! ITS REAL!!" Yuli and I said on unison."omg! Im going to tell my mom!"I said getting my phone in my back pocket.I dialed my moms number with memory,because I always forget but, not this time."hello?,what is it Maria?"."Mom I got one direction tickets!"I said trying not to shake hard and scream."sweetie,stop lying to me"."But I'm not!" I said "Look!" I then took a picture of the tickets and send them to my mom."Oh my god! I can't believe it!" She said in a surprised voice."Mom,you have to let me go please I'm 16 I should go please my friends are going too and they're not leaving me!".I then heard silence for some seconds, and then the words:"ok you can go" hit me and I thanked my mom and went to tell Diana and Yuli that I can go."Yay!" They both said happily in unison, I'm glad I'm going."ok,I'll meet you both at the airport at 10:00 Sharp".I told them."ok!"they said as they got the bags of the things we got."wow I forgot about that" I said chuckling."LOL Maria" Yuli said laughing.

*After 2 hours of shopping things we want,including food*

We all were walking in a group,I'm in the middle,Diana in the left,and Yuli on the right eating a Mc.Chicken,Diana and I got ice cream cones, and they were big,like maybe the size of my hand.We went to my car and I went to drop Yuli and Diana off at their house and then I went home at 3PM.

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