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*the next day,8:00 AM*
I'm surprised I woke up at 8 because I always wake up at 10 or 11.I went straight to the shower,and changed clothes,I put the new one direction shirt that Diana gave me,and the necklace I bought which was 'Best',and dark blue jeans.I brushed my hair and teeth and I put my black converse with red laces and went to the car.I went to Mc Donalds because I forgot about breakfast and I was far from my house,it was 9:00AM,a good time to get food and 1 hour left for the airport.after I ate my food, I went to the airport waiting for my friends.

*Diana's P.O.V*
I went to the car,it was 9:15,which is a good time to see Maria,I don't know about Yuli,but she'll make it.There was traffic,which wasted like 15 minutes of my time,and I finally made it to the airport,It was 9:38,Perfect! I said I'm my head.Then I saw Maria,and she gave me a gentle hug,I love her hugs,they're like bear hugs, which is my favorite type of hugs."I hope Yuli is coming soon,because its 9:45"I told her.

*yuli's P.O.V*
"Oh my god! Its 9:46! I said almost screaming. I overslept,and if I don't make it,my friends will be upset,but I was lucky because I was dressed already,I just got my shoes and ran to the car.Apparently,my dog was there,waddling his tail,making whining noises."shhh! I need to go I'll see you soon! Bye!"I whispered.I went to the car it was 9:53,"oh great 7 minutes!" I said."oh wait the airport is close by,why worry?"I said to myself.
*5 minutes later*Maria's P.O.V*
"9:58,perfect timing!"I said.we all sat down,waiting for the announcement.
Then we heard:
"Good morning people,the airport to Los angeles is leaving in about 5 minutes,please go to the airport if your going to LA,have a wonderful day!"
We went running,and I tripped,and Diana and Yuli were dying of laughter."You guys either laugh for a long periodically time and miss the airport,or help me get up!"I said in a loud voice,I didn't want to scream,we're going to LA to meet one direction,not screaming.Diana and Yuli stopped laughing and picked me up,but I can still hear the chuckling between them,I can sense it.
We finally went to the airport and sat on the comfortable seats that had pillows and food,I sat next to the window,Yuli in the middle and Diana next to Yuli. Finally,I'm going to meet one direction I said in my head,and slowly went to sleep.

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