Ash and Pikachu are returning to the Kalos region to meet his old friends. Ash is very excited to meet them.And the main reason he's returning in Kalos is to meet another person who's very special to him. Serena! What if Ash realizes how Serena feel...
Ash looked at me and said "hey Serena, uh.... there's something I wanna tell you." "Huh? What is it......Ash?" I said nervously. "Uhh... there's something on your hair" he said. "Something on my hair?" There was a leaf in my hair. On that time I realised that Ash has not changed a bit! And he's soo dense as he was before! "I'll remove it from your hair." He said. "Oh thanks!" I said blushing. "The fireworks sure are beautiful!" Ash said "Yeah!" I said to him. "Oh Serena! Your showcase is tomorrow right?" Ash asked to me. "Yes. I've practiced a lot. I'll do my best!" I said to Ash "Good luck with that!" He said. "Thank you Ash" I said with a little blush. Suddenly a little girl with a Pikachu and dedenne came running to us and said "Hey everyone!!!" "Oh, hey Bonnie!" I said Pikachu jumped to Ash's shoulder. "Pikapii!" He said, "Oh buddy! You're back!" Ash said with a smile on his face. "Bonnie where's Clemont" Ash asked to her. "Oh Clemont is not here yet?" Bonnie asked to both of us. "No he hasn't" we answered. "Hey guys!" Clemont came running with exhaustion. "Oh Clemont! Where were you all this time?" Bonnie asked to Clemont. "Sorry, I forgot to take my backpack" Clemont said. "That bag is of no use,ya know!" Bonnie said with a teasing smile. "C'mon!" Clemont said "Hey now you two don't fight okay! Look at those beautiful fireworks!" Ash said to both of them. "Yeah! Those fireworks are looking great!' Clemont said. "Wow! It's soo awesome!" Bonnie said. "Guys! After this why don't we go to a restaurant and eat something together? It's been a long time we didn't do that." I said to all of them. "Yeah good idea Serena!" Ash said. "Yeah it will be a lot of fun! What do you say Clemont? Are we going?" Bonnie asked to Clemont. "Yes! Why not? Let's go!" Clemont said. "Thats my brother! Let's goo!!!" Bonnie said. All of us enjoyed the fireworks and also my showcase is tomorrow! I"m gonna do my best!
I woke up as it's the showcase day! I got fresh and decided to practice. "Delphox! Pancham!, I choose you!" I called them out. "Delphox!" "Panchh!" "Guys, are you ready for our practice?" I asked them. "Delphox!" "Pancham!! "Wow, you two seem really excited! Then let's goo!" I said to them. "Delphox use flamethrower! Pancham use dark pulse!" I said to them. Delphox used it's flamethrower and Pancham used dark pulse which caused beautiful looking orange and black sparkles! "Ok guys let's make this a little more beautiful! Delphox use psybeam and Pancham use dark pulse again!!" I said. That caused beautiful rainbow sparkles! "Wow this is looking soo much beautiful than before! If we'll keep this up we'll win for sure!" I said. "Delphoxdel!" "Pancham"! They seemed very happy. "Ok then you guys must be hungry. Let's go back and eat something. Delphox, pancham, return!" I called them back.
I got back to Clemont's house. "Oh Serena, where were you?" Clemont asked me. "It's my showcase today so I decided to go out and practice a bit." I answered. "Oh great! Do your best!" Clemont said. "Thanks Clemont!" I said. "Serena you must be hungry by all that practice. Why don't you come and eat some breakfast?" Clemont asked to me. "Yeah I guess I'm a little bit hungry. Let's go." I said. "Ok then." Clemont said.
"Hey guys! Good morning." Ash said yawning, walking downstairs. "Oh hey Ash good morning!" I said "Oh Ash you woke up. Come and eat your breakfast." Clemont said. "Oh thanks!" Ash said. "Hey Serena it's your showcase today right?" Ash asked me. "Yeah!" I answered. "Wow great! You'll be awesome out there." Ash said. "Thanks Ash!" I said blushing. "Here you go Ash, your breakfast" Clemont said. "Oh thanks Clemont!" Ash said. "Clemont, where's Bonnie?" I asked to him "Oh, she ate her breakfast and said that she's going for some training when you were out" Clemont said. "Wow really? She's gonna become a splendid trainer if she continues this. "I said to Clemont. "Yes! Bonnie's doing great!" Ash said. "Oh Serena it's time for your showcase right?" Ash asked me. "Oh yeah you're right! You guys come later okay. Bye!!" I said that, took my bag and ran so that I could reach there in time.
I reached there and got dressed.
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(This is the dress Serena wears during the showcase. She designed it by herself and it's one of her favourite dresses)
On that time a person came to me and said, "Oh hey Serena! So we meet again!" She said "M-m.... Miette??" I was a little shocked seeing her. "I didn't thought that we would meet here. Are you here for the showcase?" Miette asked to me. "So why do you think I'm here?" I said to her. "Oh Serena you didn't changed a bit did you? Hahah! Anyways, how's your relationship going?" Miette asked to me. "R-relationship? What relationship?" I asked to her,blushing. "Oh you don't know? You and uh...hahah! Ash!" Miette said. "C"mon! Stop teasing me. We're just friends!" I said. "Oh Serena! I know everything about you! I know that you have feelings for him. And I guess that Ash will be here too! Do you want me to have a chat with him? Huh?" Miette said. "Miette!! Whatever! I'll not loose to you in the showcase!" I said. "You really think that you could win when I'm here? Oh Serena, same as always!" She said. "We'll see about that!!!" I said angrily.
𝘼𝙨𝙝'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑
"Huh! I guess we made it in time!" I said "Yeah! I guess it's going to start now! Let's go inside." Clemont said. We got inside and took a sit.
"Bonjour everyone! The lumiouse city Pokemon showcase is starting now! For our first performance let's call three performers!
"Wait isn't that...Miette?" I asked "Yeah you're right! Serena must've met her." Clemont said. "Isn't it great? This showcase has become more challenging for serena!"I said. "Yes and more exciting for us too!" He said. "I can't wait!" Bonnie said.............